How to Prevent a Divorce - the First Vital Step

Divorce, the word has become so commonplace, so normal and so easy to say. It has also become easier to do because of the legal aspects and because it sometimes feels easier to divorce than it does to mend a marriage which is exactly the wrong attitude when looking for how to prevent a divorce.

Lets get one thing straight, divorce only seems easy because of the grass is always greener mentality. People think that the relationship is worse than being alone because of the image of divorcees who have become strong and independent and happy. This can happen but if they could have fixed their marriage in the first place and not have had their heart ripped out and stomped on in the battlegrounds of failed matrimony they would jump at it unless their ex was a monster.

So first up is the deciding question, the first step; do you want a life with your current spouse, is your relationship worth saving not just for the kids if you have them but for yourself and for the love you had and still want for your partner.

I am assuming if you have found this article that you have decided yes to this already but this is the time to re-look and consider it again not because you might be having second thoughts but because you have to make a concrete decision here to make it work or not to as they are your only two options.

If you have decided that yes, you really want your marriage to be healed, happy and leave you and your spouse in love then and only then should you start to find out how to prevent divorce and save your marriage because the most important part of preventing impending divorce is having the strength and fortitude and unwavering commitment to a solution.

If you are prepared to be the one who saves your marriage even if you think your partner does not want it click below to find out a step by step formula that a group of expert marriage counselors have compiled that has already mended thousands of relationships.