How to Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend - the Simple Fool Proof Strategy

You've broken up and your heart feels shattered in your chest. You really only have two choices now; you can pick up the pieces and move on with your life, or you can figure out how to win back your ex girlfriend. If you decide to try and win back your ex girlfriend, then you'll need to put in some work. Let's face it, if you want her back, there's no chance in Hades that you'll ever get her back if you don't make some changes in your life.


Sometimes when men are deciding on how to win back their ex girlfriend, they tend to ponder too long. If you want her back, you have to figure out what went wrong, provide a solution, and do that as fast as possible. Sitting around thinking about it is just a means to procrastinate. You have to face the problem head on and figure out a solution. Remember, as you procrastinate, another man may be moving in on her. So get busy!

Be a Builder

Many men resort to crying, whining, begging and stalking as a means to win back their ex girlfriend and it rarely works. She's not going to suddenly feel sorry for your pathetic butt, hold you in her arms and whisper that everything is going to be alright.

Want to know how to win back your ex girlfriend?

Build the trust back, that's how. Make her remember the good times that you shared, without having to resort to begging. You need to win back her love. However, you need to do this and still respect yourself and her. Be her friend again, and build from there. That's how to win back your ex girlfriend.

If you're serious about winning her back, be prepared to spend some time at it. It's not going to happen overnight. Make a game plan and stick to it, and eventually the answer to how to win back your ex girlfriend will fall into your lap.