Help Me Save My Marriage - Sacrifice, Open Up and Simplify

‘Help me save my marriage’ is a cry from many who are having troubles in their married life. You know your marriage is in danger but you don’t know what to do. You can't just sit and watch everything tumble down. All you need is sound advice on how to save your marriage. You need an S.O.S.

S.O.S stands for Sacrifice, Open up and Simplify.


Sacrifice is not a boon gifted by God. We all need to learn how to make sacrifices because we are all human beings. We are self-centered creatures. We see and do things in our advantage. If you want to save your marriage, learn to make sacrifices. Don’t wait for your partner to change, YOU be the first to take this step. Bring the change and in return you will surely get positive responses. If you wait for too long, your relationship will get worse as days go by.

Open up:

Something very crucial in a relationship is communication. Usually when something goes wrong in a marriage, both partners stay quiet instead of opening themselves up and communicating ideas to clear misunderstandings and repair things. Some people are timid, some are afraid of discussions, others are too hot tempered. But, keep in mind that the more you stay quiet, the more you are putting your marriage at risk. Remember, if you take a positive attitude and stay calm while talking, nothing will go wrong.


You know, simplicity avoids troubles. So, learn to live your life simple and don’t get things complicated. Sometimes, we create big fuss for petty stuffs. We don’t realize what we are doing until the matter is out of our control and too late to rectify. Make things a lot simpler to stay away from fights. Overlook details and concentrate on the heart of your troubles.