Healing A Marriage After An Affair

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A lot of marriages and relationships have been destroyed because so many people do not understand the concept of submission in marriage. In this article I have taken time to explain the concept of submission in marriage as ordained by God.

Discover proven methods to getting your marriage back on track - Even if you are struggling to communicate with your spouse and are the only one who wants to work on it!

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Every year the divorce rate is increasing. Why is this so? There are many reasons that cause a couple to go into a divorce. If you are thinking of ways to stop your divorce you are at the right place. You can salvage your situation by identifying the mistakes that will prevent you from stopping your divorce...

If you are having marital problems you are in the right place. Sometimes the simplest advice can do wonders for your relationship so check out these tips to help solve your marital problems.

It's said that one of the worst feelings someone can go through is to see their marriage crumbling - see it circling down the drain. It's impossible not to remember all those good days - the ceremony the honeymoon... I feel for you.

Often times couples don't realize that their marriages are quickly sinking into the deep dark ocean that's full of sufferance and pain. Moreover they are simply staying there and doing nothing about it but just watching the ship sinking slowly. If you're going through a similar situation then the only question is: Have you even done something to stop your 'Titanic' from sinking?

Trying to make a marriage work is hard enough at the best of times let alone when there is conflict going on between the two of you. If you are looking for ways to save this marriage then I congratulate you as it would probably be much easier to wipe your hands and simply walk away.

When your husband wants a divorce and you don't what should you do? Do you stir up feelings of loneliness grief emptiness and a sense of bewilderment and guilt? How do you react in such situations?