Keep Your Marriage Alive - Tips To Make Your Marriage Last - Part 1 Of 2

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First I want you to know that you are definitely not the only person whose marriage may be falling apart. Many married couples have experienced the same. Just wanting or wishing to save the marriage is not enough one has to take action. If I was the husband and wanted to get my wife back...

I want to save my marriage but he doesn't seem to. Or maybe she doesn't want to.

Marriage is designed to be the perfect situation for two people who have vowed to love and accept each other for life. It is a beautiful thing and that is exactly the reason why couples get into it. Almost in every marriage the first few months are blissful and stress-free. But in time things get rough and tough and the couple start to rant at each other. They'd probably think that marriage isn't the best idea after all.

Some people have incorrect conceptions of how to make a marriage work which can ruin your marriage. Learning about these mistakes and tips to help you to save your marriage and have a better matrimony.

There are so many things that you would like to do to save your marriage but your spouse does not seem to be interested in saving this marriage. How are you going to save your marriage alone?

When married couples are experiencing turmoil in their marriage most often they can feel where their relationship is heading to; that's the time when they start to think how to stop my divorce and save my marriage with the person I am still in love with. Sometimes misunderstandings and arguments occur as a result of the couple still adjusting to each other's behavior and way of life; these altercations are just normal events in a relationship.