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A marriage is a precious thing that sometimes needs saving. The best way to save a marriage is to make it a marriage worth saving from the moment the commitment is made and continuing on a daily basis.

Have you ever stayed awake at night stressing about whether or not your marriage will last... and what you can possibly do to save it?

Put an end to the stress and anxiety of not knowing what to do to save your troubled marriage >> Click here now >>

How to save a dead marriage can be a difficult thing and while not always the most important thing the issue of sex makes a major impact on your marital health as many studies have concluded even bad marriages often stave off divorce if the sex is good. Good sex can also lead to better communication and feelings of love not just through the act of lovemaking but even on a biological and chemical level so this is not something to be seen as crude or simplistic.

If you want to stop your divorce I wish to consider you my friend and want to help you. I have gone through all that and I know it perfectly well how horrible a feeling this is. But know that your actions will determine the fate of your marriage. Everything might seem hopeless to you right now because you tried everything you could - that is how I felt. But after receiving some outside advice I found out that I hadn't tried any 'real' methods to save a marriage at all!

Marriage is hard enough on its own. Even a good marriage is a bit of a struggle because there is so much adjusting bobbing and weaving to do to keep it on track. It's almost like a cruise missile that's constantly adjusting itself to stay on track. That's what marriage is. One of the skills that are probably the hardest to learn in a marriage or any relationship in the world is listening.

Most people are used to living a single life where all they think about is self. This is probably one reason why once they have a relationship or get married they tend to become selfish and think only about their own good.

Think really hard about the word 'respect' in the context of marriage. If the words 'I DESERVE RESPECT' were tattooed on the forehead of every married or soon-to-be married couple do you think the divorce rate in this country would plummet? The caution flag that it would raise over every thought of infidelity excessive spending drug and alcohol use etc. would leave each partner in the relationship behaving in a more loving and responsible way.

Your marriage is going through a difficult period and you wish to save it. One of the most frequent problems is a lack of intimacy in the couple. This article suggests ways of improving this. A good intimate marriage needs attending to regularly for it to thrive.