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Around 50% of marriages end up in divorce. A good percentage of divorces take place because of compatibility issues.

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Has your relationship with your partner recently drawn to a close? Did you think you would be able to move on for good but now you feel like you have fallen back in love with husband? Are you looking for the best ways to make him understand that you really do love him and you'll do anything to get him back?

If your marriage is in trouble and you're asking everyone you can grab how can I save our marriage? I have some bad news for you -- you only have a 50 percent chance of making it. Statistics show that out of every 10 marriages only 5 make it. Millions of folks are trying but are having a real difficult time trying to salvage their marriage. In the meantime they will suffer the loneliness of a wife left alone at home while the husband seeks the comfort of another woman.

It seems like we keep thinking It's is impossible to save my marriage. Why are so many people getting divorced and don't save their marriage? They don't have a clue on how to save their marriage and just lose interest in it. Instead of keep on fighting you must work towards saving your marriage.

More and more I hear from folks who tell me that either they or their spouse has 'fallen out of love' with the other. They announce this as though it's sort of a final death or as if they have turned a corner from which they can't find their way back. Many people see this as sort of a deal breaker - as this feeling is one of the main reasons that they got married. So they figure if this feeling is gone perhaps they should not stay married. When the merging of lives and homes are involved (as well as children sometimes) these lines can blur or aren't so clear...

Today I want to discuss with how you can save a failing marriage. I'd like to approach it from the context of why marriages fail in the first place. It's kind of difficult to know where you are going if you don't know how you got there right? If we can identify the problems that are leading us down the path to divorce or separation we can take action to change our course.

You need to pull out the stops and get busy to help save your marriage if it is on the rocks. You don't want to sit by and watch a precious marriage fall apart a marriage that had to be very important to you at one time or another. The first step to take is to take a step back and catch your breath taking a break from the problem. Once you can let go of the anger you can communicate better and take the next step to help save your marriage. Read more here.