Divorced: Loving yourself Through Divorce

"We are all functioning at a small fraction of our capacity to live fully in its total meaning of loving, caring, crrating and adventuring. Consequently, the actualizing of our potential can become the most excitiing adventure of our lifetime. ~Herbert Otto

The most difficult challenge we have is remembering to love and most importantly to love ourselves. When we live our lives fully and completely we will experience many things. Although many times we are not pleased with our experiences. Going through a divorce we lose our closest friend and partner including the love they may have offered. We often depart the relationship with a distorted image of what love actually is.
We sometimes enter into relationships with others that are quite disappointing and partners that we don't understand. We depart depleted and disenchanted. We wonder what love really is, and what it actually means to love and be loved.
It becomes easier to give up on a committed relationship and take on relationship that doesn't require that we go deep. We skim the surface in order to stay afloat emotionally, because it is easier. That is not self love. Going deep is what love is truly about, it is the essence of love and when we refuse to do so we cheat ourselves of love's value. We will only do this if we don't esteem ourselves and lack self worth.
It is necessary to delve deeply into our souls with another to come to a reckoning and awakening of our inner self. Relationship is all about growth, and if it isn't working that only means we have more growing to do. It is of no matter whether the relationship is platonic, intimate, or a marriage. If your're experiencing a divorce it is essential that you love yourself throughout the process.
Loving is the essential component to all of life. Loving another requires that you first love and accept yourself.
Realize that any relationship you're in is your creation and your partner is mirroring you or you them.
It is important that you understand and face the facts, otherwise you are doomed to repeat them.
As you go through the divorce process remember these specific points:
1.Be vulnerable (allow yourself to feel all of your pain, and emotions through the divorce). This is how you will grow through the divorce.
Keep a journal and write in it daily.
2.Do not doubt yourself, trust your intuition and do whatever you feel and believe to be in your best interest during your process.
3. Nurture yourself, it is signficant to your well being.
4. Pay attention to your emotions and examine them to determine why you feel as you do.
5. Respect yourself
6. Be true to yourself throughout the divorce process.
7. Pray, meditate, creating time which will allow you to evolve and move forward.
You are important, you matter, remember this while attempting to remain serene and calm. If you do these things you will evolve lovingly through your divorce process with a new sense of self and an oppportunity to move forward with increased emotional maturity and clarity. Blessings.