A Mother Getting Custody of Her Children

The sacred institution of marriage was built primarily to safe-guard the interests of growing children. It is believed that any young child needs the unconditional love of a mother and sound support of the father to grow into a mature adult. Further, if the child shares a close and loving relationship with both parents, he will in all probability turn into a disciplined, respectable member of society. Unfortunately, things do go wrong sometimes and marriages break. And courts grant the mother custody of her children.

Countries, states and jurisdictions all offer different rights for a mother to get custody of her children. These rights differ from a case to case basis as well. During the divorce proceedings the courts evaluate the reasons for the break-up and the behavior of both parents. If the father shows any inclination towards wrongful or cruel behavior, the court's decision is made easy and the mother gets custody of her children effortlessly.

In those instances, where two people have decided to part company amicably, the mother does not get custody of her children by default. Here, the legal system leaves the decision with the children, which parent they would prefer to stay with. Psychologists are called in and asked to interpret response and behavior of the children involved. If both parents are found to be responsible and caring, the courts may provide joint custody to both parents. The mother may not get sole custody of her children.

On the other hand there have been several cases where the mother has gotten full custody of her children. Cited below are three such instances:

A Mother Gets Custody of her Children: Case 1

As mentioned above, when both parents have proved to the court that they are balanced, mature and responsible adults, willing and able to care for their children, they are granted joint custody. However, for the sake of convenience, in most cases the children stay with the mother. The father is given full permission to regularly visit his children. However, if the mother has proof that the father is ill-treating the children in any way, she can file any appeal against him. This could cause a severe rift in the father child/children equation. Either way, the father is still obliged to contribute to child support and has to adhere to his end of the bargain. When the child becomes an adult he can independently decide which parent he would prefer to stay with.

A Mother Gets Custody of her Children: Case 2

In the times we live, some people see marriage as 'passé'. But couples do have children together and sometimes these relationships break too. In such cases, the courts treat the relationship as a marriage, their break up is equated to a normal divorce and the father is liable to bear financial responsibility for the well being of his children.

A Mother Gets Custody of her Children: Case 3

In those cases, where the father is an abusive sort of person, the mother is granted full charge of the child. The father may or may not be even allowed to visit his children. Particularly, if the father is addicted to some kind of narcotic, special protection is provided by the courts to the mother and child.

Don't risk the pain of losing custody of your child or getting minimal visitation rights.