Divorced? - No Worries! God Has The Key To Every Heartache

Divorce is frowned upon by most religions in the world and even though many religious leaders may seem to look down on you for going against the sacred laws of marriage and putting asunder to it, there are different ways in which faith can heal you, if only you know about them.

First understand that your faith is not there to persecute you or to shame you; it is for you to draw your strength from, to empower and encourage and heal and save and you need to re-visit the ideals of your faith so you can re-connect with your true self. When faced with the final parting of ways with someone you have pledged to lead the rest of your life with and divorce stares you in the face, it takes super-human strength to go through the daily routine of chores, responsibilities, career roles and being a social being, but it has to be done – and your faith can give you the strength you need to pull through all this, and more!

Don’t think you need to do it all by yourself; there is God and that is what he is there for: to save and forgive and help and strengthen your bruised heart and mind while fortifying you to cope with divorce and its after-math. Don’t take on God's work on yourself – it's God's work to heal and reveal the true nature of man and metal, so just like gold shines brighter after going the furnace, so will a man (or woman) of faith who has trusted God to do the best for them, in the most painful of circumstances as there is Divine Light guiding always – one just has to see through the eyes of spiritual love.

An act of complete surrender, acceptance of God's decision in the divorce and the hardships you have to face and the complete reaching out to only God's wisdom is what is needed to change around your life's challenges to promises of love.

If you are feeling unusually low, think awhile of the poem, titled Footprints, in which a man speaks to God and tells Him that during good times, he found 2 sets of footprints in the sand on the beach he's walking now on, but now that hardships are upon him, he finds only 1 set, so where was God when he needed him; God answers, he was walking beside the man during good times, ensuring his happiness and during difficult times, he had carried him in his loving arms – therefore, the singular set of footprints! Now, isn't that evidence of God's greatness?

So, today, don't give up on God as he has never given up on you - turn to religion for the answer you seek and every comfort will come to you.