Why not Mr. Red Fingernails, Why Not?

One sees some strange things when using public transportation.  While I was taking my boys to school today on the bus, I got to thinking...why not?  Why not do the things that make you happy?  This advice could not be any more important than when you're going through a divorce.

I have a fellow bus passenger to thank for this revelation.  Let me explain. People are waiting at the bus to come, nothing unusual about that.  While they are waiting to board I notice a man, clean cut, late thirties.  Business casual, button down shirt, khakis, short hair cut.  The usual white guy you see commuting to work in the morning.  So why did he stand out you ask?

Red fingernails.

This average everyday guy had on candy apple red, long, press on fingernails.  Of course this being San Francisco, no one batted an eye.  Not the bus driver who took Mr. Red Fingernails money. Not the 70 year old lady he sat next to. Not even my kids who have a comment about everything!

But why would they?  Why would anyone care?  Mr. Red Fingernails paid his fare, sat quietly and was minding his own business.  He wasn't bothering anyone.  So why not go to work wearing sexy brightly colored fake nails?  Why not take a weekend trip to Vegas?  Why not take the afternoon off and get a massage?  Want to spend a whole Sunday afternoon in your pajamas eating chips and watching Twilight Zone reruns?  Go for it!  My point is, you're going through a hard time, whether your divorce is amicable or horrible.  I'm betting if you're reading this it's horrible.  So go do something good for yourself!  Starting today!  Me, I'm going to the drug store to buy some fake nails...thank you Mr. Red Fingernails!

Visit for more fun things to do while going through this hell we call divorce.