Editing Digital Photos Helps Make More Stock Photo Sales OnlineIs photography;yourhobby or passion?In either caseyou can easilystartminting moneyif you pursuethis passion. All you reallyrequireis a digitalcamera, access to goodsoftware programson yourcomputer and Internet. Mentioned hereare a few ways on how to sellstockphotos:
Internet contains a plethora of web sites whereyou can stockyourphotos. Thereare microstockagencies, which deal in providing withlow cost picturesto the customers. Thereare many people who browse thesesites and are willing;to pay goodprice for the photographs;. Simple images of a buddingfloweror an abandoned building willattract enthusiasts. It is significantthatyou decide on a thefor clickingphotographs;. For a photographto sell,it shouldbe appealing to the customer. So yourperceptionshouldbe worthy as an illustration and shouldbenefitthe customer. Basicallypeople are lookingfor crystalideasor illustrations thatcater to theircompany’s image. For examplea lady withred lipstick in one hand and a cherryin other willsellmorethana baboonjumpingtrees. Areyou a novice in this field? Clickingphotographs;as a hobby is completelydifferentfromclickingon themfroma professionalpointof view. Yourfriendsmight giveyou advice on how to shootphotos,but it would be better if you obtainsomeserious advice. Thereare several e-books;thatcan guideyou to sellstockphotos,but the Turn YourPhotos Into Cash blog is the idealplace to get star. It has clear instructions on how you can actuallystartgettinggreat results in digitalphotography;by followinga few guidelines;. Yet another web site LearnElementsNow.comcomesfroman eruditein photography;- David Peters.His e-bookhas step-by-stepinstructions on how to master yourskills in AdobePhotoshopElements in just 2 hours! - Thesenew skills allowyou to sellevenmorestockphotos Once you havemastered the skill and takena few photos,you haveto follow certain instructions to upload yourpicturesin the microstockagency sites.Primarilythe pictureshouldbe in JPEG format. Ensure thatthe pictureyou haveuploaded is 100% clear and unambiguousand does not haveany granules. Even if it does have, removeall thesebefore submitting. The photo shouldneverinclude any names of the labels or brands.This willbe copyright infringement.Try removing thesewiththe help of Photoshop. One of the mostimportantparametersthatpeople often overlook is indexing the photograph. Try to name the photo by including appropriate keywords. For this you haveto conductgoodresearch. You can evenuse synonymouswordsin caseyourcompetitorhas used a similarword for his photograph. Try lookingfor thesewordsonline withGooglesearch... Finally the mostimportantpart - yourpayment! Once someof yourstockphotos havebeen sold,you get bulk payments. Sometimes agenciestake 50% of the moneyas theirfee. So it is a wise idea if you upload yourstockphotos in morethanone agency site.It willminimize yourlosstoo. |