Allergy Remedies - Giving it the Natural One-Two Punch

Like millions of people, I suffer from seasonal allergies. In the past I have taken many over the counter antihistamines and decongestants only to find that the side effects of these drugs made me feel worse than my original allergy symptoms. During the worst pollen days, be sure that you stay inside. There are many sites online that will show you which days have high pollen counts where it might be best to stay inside. Also during the day in the late morning and early afternoon typically has more pollen in the air than other parts of the day. The human body has a natural defense against various invading germs and diseases, in the form of a very powerful immune system. But, some people may develop allergies such as asthma, dermatitis, sneezing and the like, that cause discomfort and in extreme cases, illness. Hypnosis Allergy Relief is an effective cure for such people.

Sometimes foods that have many ingredients cause food allergies because of just one ingredient. People can replace that product with another one that does not have the ingredient they are allergic to. It is important to read food labels to look for ingredients that cause food allergies. The largest group of people suffering from sinusitis fall into the allergy category, where some environmental pollen, dust or irritant cause the cells lining the sinus to be irritated and secrete excessive mucus, the beginning of sinusitis. Allergens cause the activation of a certain type of antibody known as IgE. This antibody triggers the release of certain chemicals from cells in your nose, throat and eyes such as histamine, resulting in an extreme inflammatory response and the associated allergy symptoms. The main causes of allergies are as follows;

The squeamish may want to quickly hit the back button...ok here we go. A queen-sized mattress may hold up to two million dust mites! If the bug is so small imagine what the size of its droppings must be! We plop down into bed and up comes a cloud of this highly allergenic material, which may stay airborne for up to 72 hours . Definitely. Most people don't actually need to see a doctor. Years ago you'd have to see a physician to obtain the best allergy medications. Today most are available over-the-counter at very reasonable prices. Of course, there are ways to help yourself without taking medication - and for free. A shower after mowing will wash the offending grass and pollen from your skin and hair .

Read about Home Remedies and Home Remedies for Allergies