Win Your Ex Back. Recommended for Men Only. Follow This Advice

If you are separated or even divorced with your beloved woman, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able ever to get her back.

Only you have to understand by yourself if you really want it.

I will tell you some reasons why women lose interest towards to their partner. It starts from small things: lack of compliments about her appearance, lack of sexual life, you didn’t spend much time together because of work, you started talking less and less to each other…..
So, I guess it’s enough, that your love started looking, perhaps, to another man, or she just became colder, because you are not that warm with her, or she is in permanent contact with her best friend or mother, and that was getting on your nerves.

I don’t want to tell you, that all is your fault. If you are not together now, that means that you both did something wrong.  But if you are reading this article that means, that you are the partner, who is interested, how to win your ex back.

Even if she doesn’t try to do it together with you, even if she is with another man,  you can try  getting your ex back. It is possible!

There are some keys.

First, start from yourself. When you look into the mirror – do you like yourself? May be, it’s really time to start with some little sport exercises?

If you are drinking – stop it. It doesn’t change something, but it makes things only worse.

When you feel, that you are in a good shape and moral condition – call your ex, or leave the message on the answering machine, or send an SMS with invitation for a short lunch. For the first time lunch (1 hour maximum) is the best solution. Dinner will be another time, don’t worry.

Lunch usually works. But if she denies your invitation, stay polite, just say thank you and wish her a good day! Try once again in a week.

For lunch you have to look very good. Go and refresh your wardrobe.

During this lunch you don’t say how much you miss her, and not at all how much you still love her. Keep it like a talk between good friends. Ask her about her daily life, tell her about yours.  And very important: don’t forget to tell her how good she looks today!

If she starts blaming you, agree with anything, don’t get hot, don’t reply. Keep calm.

If  lunch was fine, don’t immediately make some plans for the future. Tell your ex girlfriend, that it was a pleasure to see her.

Send your ex later flowers with thanks for the lunch. Flowers are the best key to any woman.
And wait a week. It can happen that your ex will call you by herself. So, you are on the right road.

Remember, if there were once true feeling between two hearts, it is always possible to restore them.
Best tips how to win your love back are here: /