How to Prevent a Divorce! 15 Quick Fix Marriage Saving Solutions Which Will Stop a Divorce!

It's hard to think of ways to prevent a divorce, when we never even plan on a divorce to begin with! It just sort of happens. One day you notice that you and your partner are arguing more and more, and suddenly you have nothing in common! So what do you do then, when everything is falling apart and the only thing you want to do is stop the divorce?

Use these 15 "quick fix" tips, to save your marriage and stop the divorce!

15. Appreciate!- Your partner needs to feel valued, because if they don't they won't feel it's worthwhile to stay with you, so appreciate him/her!

14. Apologize- Admit those mistakes, because the longer you argue the facts, the more you show your spouse how irresponsible you are, since you can't even apologize for the things you did wrong!

13. Listen- Your partner wants to be heard and understood. If you don't listen, you will never be able to understand.

12. Know his/her needs- Know what your partner wants and try to fulfill these needs, without them having to ask always.

11. Become dependent!- If you are always depending on your partner for things, become independent to relieve the stress and pressure.

10. Be positive-Perhaps you are always too negative and judgmental, try being positive so that your spouse can feel comfortable around you.

9. Change!- Your partner expects you to always be trying to improve, and this includes CHANGE. If you don't change, the same problems will always be in the way.

8. Lighten up- laugh more with your spouse, go to comedy clubs, and try to make them feel happier.

7. Change the routine- Everyday life can get boring and boredom leads to arguments. So change the routine. Do things together which you always wanted to do, and have fun together.

6. Forgive- Forgive yourself and forgive your partner. This will alleviate a lot of the tension, because you will no longer feel as hurt by these things.

5. Compliment- Compliment your partner for things, and make them feel wanted and desired.

4. Surprise them- Surprise your spouse and this will excite his/her emotions in a positive way which in turn will make them feel excited to be around you again.

3. Remind them of the good times- Remind them of all the things which you loved from the past, to bring back the good memories.

2. Show them you love them- Instead of just saying it, show your partner how much you love them with action.

1. Build the trust again!- Build the trust back by keeping your word, and by fulfilling all your obligations and promises. This will make your partner stay and will prevent the divorce.

Pay Close Attention Here-

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