Public Divorce Records

California Divorce Records and marriage records go hand-in hand. That is best shown in a way that one's marriage record will also contain his or her divorce record and other important information about him or her. That is why divorce records are also called Records of Marriage Dissolution which term can be used when you search for the divorce background of someone.

California is a State with a huge population and a number of counties that is why searching for public records may not be that easy to do. However, with the help of their linked, crossed, and networked databases, searching for California Divorce Records is now made easier than ever and that is why instead of searching through state repositories, people would rather turn to those commercial record providers that are now available online.

With the existence of the Freedom of Information Act 1966, the public now have easy access to the records that are stored by the government. Of all the available public records, one of the most searched for is the state divorce records. Some of the information that one can obtain from such record are the personal information of both divorcing parties and their children too. It will also show the place and the time when the divorce occurred, the filing number, alimony, child custody and visitation arrangement, the final decree and the certificate, and the other important details about the said divorce.

The State of California Divorce Records provides a lot of help to every individual. Searching through these records can help someone check on the previous marriage of a certain person especially if the involved person who wants to remarry is a divorcee. Aside from that, divorce records are also searched for the purpose of doing a background check on someone else, to find a biological relationship, and for genealogical research too. Although they are public records, you should still be aware of the restrictions that are imposed for everyone who does the searching to follow.

Divorce records in the State of California can be accessed through the government department that is in-charge of these records or through the help of commercial record providers that are now available through the Internet. What's the difference between these two? Well, searching through the government entails certain procedures and processes that should be undergone prior to obtaining the desired results. That means a need for you to have a lot of patience. The good thing is that they offer free service for such matter. For an easier and faster way of performing a divorce record search, it is recommended that you turn to those commercial record providers online who offer a paid service, but will provide you more needed information.

There are some individuals who find it rewarding to search for Public Divorce Records at state repositories since their service has no cost at all but it can be difficult at times especially when you search for California Divorce Records through the Office of Vital Records of California. Therefore, for you to choose the best way for you, bear in mind the purpose of your search and how important is the data that you will obtain from such search to you as well as to your entire family.