If you are looking at spending the next few months gobbling down antihistamines you may find this useful

If you find the summer months are often an intolerable series of headaches, runny noses, itchy eyes and generally feeling lousy, then you probably have hay fever. The causes are well known of course, but unless the government finally takes inspiration from Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi, and decides to pave paradise and put up a parking lot, then you're probably in for several miserable months of gobbling down antihistamines. But hold on a minute, what if there's another solution that doesn't involve wanton destruction of the planets natural environments? And what if it comes in a little white plastic gizmo-thingy, which is the colour of all things fabulous these days? Suddenly things are looking up!

The Airfree air purifier range consists of portable, personal allergy zappers that are up to 99 per cent efficient at destroying the bacteria and allergens floating around in your room! Just think of it, at the flick of a switch, your very own air purifier will get to work removing the cause of all your allergies, before you even have to treat the symptoms. The Airfree range of air purifiers has three models to choose from, depending on the size of your room, and perhaps the size of your nose - there may or may not be a correlation there. The smallest is the Airfree P60, which has nothing at all to do with your end-of-year tax certificate, except that they have the same name. The P60 air purifier is suitable for an area of up to 24m2, which is about the size of an average living room (that's average in size - not as in ‘uninspiring décor'). The P60 tax certificate is largely unsuitable for air purification, although it could be used as a makeshift fanning device when it gets warm.

The slightly larger P80 air purifier is the middle one of the range, and like the P60 can be used to silently but efficiently purify an area of up to 32m2! Sucking up micro-organisms such as bacteria, pet allergens, pollen, mould, mildew and other fungi spores, the Airfree P80 air purifier is a low maintenance and unobtrusive way to solve all sorts of allergy problems. Certainly better than taking a chainsaw to your local vegetation and taking the dog for a long walk off a short pier! Both the P60 and the P80 air purifiers come with a two year manufacturer's warranty, and there are no filters to replace, so even clumsy people can use them without fear of damaging anything.

The daddy of the Airfree air purification units is the P125. The P125 air purifier offers the same silent but deadly (to allergens) treatment as the other two models, but this time it can cover an area of up to 51m2, not just fifty mind you – fifty one square metres! That's an area roughly the size of Belgium, assuming Belgium is about 51m2, which it might not be. But either way, the whole range of Airfree air purifiers are designed to treat the causes of allergies, and are not just a reactive treatment of the symptoms. Unlike the smaller white models, the P125 comes in a snazzy silver casing, which makes it look futuristic and creates an interesting talking point, as well as matching well with your spoons.