Insecurities Faced in Old Age

Age is defined as the number of years that someone has lived or something has existed. The term age is better defined by its evolution through the passage from three phases that include childhood, youth and old age.  Childhood is a phase when you are a child. A child is immature, innocent and unaware of the real world. A child always remains in the world of imagination. Whatever, he thinks of; he feels that he would get it. A child always lives in an "imaginary world."

The second phase of a man's life is his youth. When a child gets out of that imaginary world, he attains his young age. Being a young man, he has that passion that pushes him to achieve all his goals in life. It is that phase of life that makes him think that he is capable to deal with even the toughest situation that comes in his way. He spends all his life in fulfilling the desires of his family. In his youth, he feels that he is the strongest man who can overtake all his problems and has the courage to win over all the difficulties of his life.

And then, he attains his old age when the youthful days end and a young man feels tired after working so hard to survive in this competitive era. This is the age that makes him feel really helpless. He expects his children to take care of him. A man in his young age marries and spends all his life in achieving all the benefits for his children. However, in his old age, he expects his children to give all the facilities of a peaceful life.

But the children, who are now in their strong age, i.e, their young age forget about the parents who spent their whole youth in fulfilling their desires for their happiness. The children feel that they should not waste their time in these rubbish things and go on enjoying their lives. They also work for their children and family, but they forget about the ones who made them the way they are. They never include them in their family.

There are certain insecurities that are faced by the parents or say the old people. They spend so many sleepless nights so that their children get a good life. And when their turn comes to expect something from their children, they are ignored. There was a time when they were young, strong and powerful, but now when they are old, physically weak and helpless when they need care and protection, they are being treated as useless creatures. They are treated as a "good for nothing" creature. When they are promoted from being parents to grandparents, their life becomes full of hopes and desires. They feel that whatever they have missed during their childhood and youth, they will provide them all those good things. But, the children are always under the control of their parents rather than the grandparents. If their parents want them to mix up with their grandparents, its good, otherwise they are not allowed to do so. The parents think that their grandparents are out-dated and they don't know how to lead a life in a proper manner. They think that they will spoil their child. But they forget that the parents who can sacrifice everything for their child, they can never think of spoiling their grandchild.

"Maa, please don't go today. Please Maa, live here for one more day." Tinku cried and tried to convince his grandmother to spend one more day with him. Suddenly, a voice appeared saying, "Tinku, you have an exam tomorrow. If they will stay here for one more day, you will not study." "Maa, you don't worry, I will take care of him." It was Sandhya, Tinku's mother who was exactly thinking the same way, i.e., if his grandparents live here, he will not be studying properly. ‘Can anybody think of spoiling the future of his or her own grandchild?' This is the question that often comes in mind whenever we see any young person behaving rudely with the old ones.

But there are some people who still feel that behind an ideal family, there is a blessing of their old ones. "Hello, Baba. When are you coming back? We are desperately waiting for you and Maa. Please Baba, come soon." Sameer cried and requested his grandfather and grandmother to return home from their native place. Sohini, Sameer's Mom took the receiver and said to her mother-in-law, "Maa, please come soon. Sameer is having his exams from next week. If you and Papa will be here then, at least, I will be tension free. I know Papa will take care of his studies. He also wants both of you to be here. We will be waiting for you and Papa."

The parents who can take care of all our desires, not the whole day but at least we can spend few moments with them and make them feel secure and happy. After a day's work, at least we can sit and talk to them in a happy mood, so that they would not feel ignored. These are their days to enjoy after their long hard days. They need the care and support from their children and grandchildren. If not the entire day, we can at least be with them for few moments to make those moments special for them that will help them get rid of the insecure world and enter into a secure world.