Attention---Senior Citizen Alert---Have Your A/C Unit Serviced Now Before the Summer Heat !!!

by Tom Livsey,

If you are over 65 years old make sure to have your air condition unit serviced...TODAY !!!

Historically, from 1979-2003, excessive heat exposure caused 8,015 deaths in the United States. During this period, more people in this country died from extreme heat than from hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes combined. In 2001 alone, over 300 deaths were caused by excessive heat exposure.

After six days of code orange smog alert in Atlanta, Ga., in June 2010, the elderly and infants are more prone to heat stress and death.

Make it a point this hot summer to check in frequently with the elderly members of your family and neighborhood.

Dehydration can succummb most older people to a level of becoming incoherent and unable to remedy their heat situation.

However, most heat-related deaths and illness are preventable. Yet every year many people succumb to our extreme heat. They can all be prevented, if identified in the early stages.Air-conditioningis the number one protective factor against heat-related illness and death.

If possible, during conditions of extreme heat, recommend the elderly to schedule time in locations with air-conditioning such as shopping malls, public libraries, or public health sponsored heat-relief shelters in their area, during the middle of the hot days of summer!

All senior citizens should stay informed.and listen to their local news and weather channels or contact their closest public health department during extreme heat conditions for health and safety updates.

Most people who suffer from heat-related illnesses failed to respect the heat.The reason is once they realize their hot condition---normally is too late !

However here are three suggestions for seniors to do immediately:

1. ) Make sure to drink plenty of water, and nonalcoholic beverages, regardless of your activity level.

2. ) Limit outdoor activities to early in the morning from 6-11 am, and late in the day, around sunset, 7-10 pm.

3. ) Above all, make sure to have your air-conditioning unit checked out before you realize its broken.

Depending on where you live, there are normally local heating and air conditiioning companies that might provide free diagnosis, for seniors and military veterans, if services are rendered, by the company.

Fortunately for seniors citizens in and aroundSnellville, Georgiaarea, they can personally contact the top HVAC business owner,Omar Monroe ofMonroe Heating and Air Conditioniing , Inc.

Located in Snellville, Ga., Monroe Heating and Air Conditioning is a proud family owned business that prides themselves with providing the bestHVACservice inGwinnett County.For more information please visit their site : callOrmar Monroeat770-266-8744
