What is Assisted Community Living Like?

The operative word in assisted community living is the word assisted. Generally residents receive assistance with their medications preventing perhaps taking them twice or more, and assistance with the daily demands such as bathing or even dressing themselves. By and large they also receive community meals, so that they no longer need to cook for themselves, and are relieved of the necessary clean up afterward. Eating as a community is often very important, for it allows the resident to communicate with others and form socialization patterns that permit their minds to stay sharp and clear.

Assisted community living also means that they no longer need to look after a home, which in many instances was exceedingly demanding. Assisted community living provides amazing gardens to walk through without having to prune trees or find a way to retard pesky bugs either.

In many instances, assisted community living means that the resident need not be separated from the beloved pets previously owned. There are assisted community living establishments that will allow a resident to bring a pet if they so desire. If not, there are often community pets kept around so that the residents can commune with those pets, without having to care for them.

If the person is physically handicapped and in a wheelchair, they will find that all assisted community living quarters are properly designed to accommodate the wheelchair, an important facet of community living. This means that residents can move about freely and that arrangements have been made for bathing that do not necessitate standing in a slippery shower, for example, or having to rise out of a floor height bathtub.

One of the fears of living alone is of course the frightening thought that if something happened, there would not be any assistance forthcoming. With assisted community living, there generally is an emergency 24-hour response system provided. This alone brings peace of mind to many individuals.

Possibly most important of all is the fact that assisted community living enables the residents to be with those in their age group automatically. This means that common interests are going to be maintained, and social activities are created to keep the mind active and functioning properly.  Depending on the size of the community, this also means that outings will be provided and actually arranged for the entire community. This is exceedingly important, as often such outings make the difference between the resident's happiness and languishing in an unhappy lifestyle.