The Top 5 Fun Things That Will Aid Seniors With Mobility Challenges

Looking for fun activities for seniors? That's exactly what you will find here. In moment in time you will learn 5 fun things you can do with your favorite senior. These activities will be best suited for the elderly that have mobility issues. So we won't be suggestion running marathons or mountain climbing here. But if you are looking for fun things to do with an aging parent or grandparent, that doesn't get around quite as well as they used to, here are five things you should enjoy doing together.

Consider visiting a science center or museum in your local area . This a perfect environment for someone that may be wheelchair bound. Many of these museums have interactive exhibits where everyone of any age can get involved, hands-on, with the experiments. Often there are short film clips and informal presentations that you can sit in on and these are fun too.

Several seniors love to learn and that is something to be encouraged. Science is finding that reading is great practice for the mind and helps to stave off dementia. If your senior reads they may enjoy going to book signings at local book stores or coffee houses. Contact your local book stores or coffee shops and inquire if they have any book signings coming up in the near future. Set these dates on your calendar and make every effort to attend.

Here's another duty that can be done with reading. Participating in a book club can be very enjoyable for a senior that loves to read. If there are none in your area, consider starting one up with other seniors. Pick a book and determine a date to revisit so they book can be discussed. This can be even more memorable if you and your senior read the same book and you participate in the book club discussions as well.

Going to see local theatre productions together is another fun activity. There are many more local theater productions going on in your community than you might realize. Check with your Chamber of Commerce and they can give you ideas. There are theatre productions being done by local colleges and even high schools that are a lot of fun.

Just about every community has a local theatre. Many seniors that have mobility challenges seem to stay indoors more than they should. This can lead to boredom and even depression. The solution is getting them out to have visual and social stimulation. Our final suggestion is to take your senior to a shopping mall. There plenty of activity in this type of an environment. And who doesn't love to shop? It is often best if you can go with a goal in mind. Look for a gift for someone or something new that you need and have your senior help. Have lunch at a food court where they can pick what they want.

There is much you can do with an aging parent or senior with mobility challenges. The important thing is to get them out and do something together. Give these ideas a try and you will be sure to have an enjoyable time.