Social Security Issues

Everyone has their opinions (yes, you too!) about the social security issues we are facing in this country, but boomers probably have quite a bit to say about social security issues at present. If you would like to have your say and express your opinion about social security and the issues surrounding the system, here is where you'll have the chance to do just that.

I'll share with you the links I have discovered regarding various viewpoints on social security in an effort to provide you with some fodder for thought. Once you've read these articles, please do share your thoughts with us regarding the far-reaching effects that the situation with social security is posing for not only boomers, but for generations to come.

Honestly, the Ol' Boomer hasn't searched for and found every article on the World Wide Web concerning social security, but at least these will give you a good flavor for what the issues are and perhaps you'll learn something you didn't already know. This is just a sampling of the vast amount of information there is available on the issues surrounding social security.

* Is Social Security truly what is called a Ponzi Scheme?
* Could taxing the rich solve problems with Social Security?
* Should the government pose a bailout for Social Security?
* Are people aware that there is a problem or are they sticking their heads in the sand and thinking there isn't a problem?
* Perhaps you think the problem has gone away?
* What is Social Security's liability to the people?
* Will the issues with Social Security loom larger as time goes by?
* Here is one more viewpoint by the American Academy of Actuaries on the topic of Social Security issues.

As you can see, there are many viewpoints on both sides of the camp in reference to the issues facing Social Security and those who have paid into it for all of their working years. It's troubling to say the least, but what can be done? I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the subject!