Baby Boomers Glide Into Retirement, Or Not

As baby boomers prepare for retirement they are facing some pretty ugly situations, and having to make some really tough decisions. In spite of what was done to prepare for the golden years, by some folks, most of those efforts are gone or almost gone. We all know some folk's preparations were far lacking in the best of times, and not enough funds are available now.

Trillions of dollars have been lost in the stock market over the past couple of years. In the past few generations the stock market has been, and I'm sure will be again, one of the best places to invest for retirement, which is why that is where most retirement accounts had most or all of their funds. Timing is just really bad for the folks that should be getting excited about the reality of retirement on the horizon when, in fact, they are facing the possibility of having to continue working to maintain the lifestyle they have become accustom to.

So what does one do when faced with this horrible, but oh so real situation-when you actually find yourself in your middle to late 60's and having to continue to work, or in some cases being forced into retirement and the reality of having to go back into the job market? Possibly you're not physically able to go out and get another job or to replace your existing job. These are some of the dilemmas that a lot of Americans are currently or very soon will be experiencing. So the question is, what can you do if you're in this situation?

You are forced to take a long look at what you are able to do in terms of expertise that will provide value in return for income. You line up your talents, look at the things you really enjoy spending time on, and try to figure out how to create ways to make money while performing these things. At this point a lot of folks will get on the computer and start surfing the web looking for answers and ways to solve their problems.

These are the folks that become prey to all of the predators that lie in wait on the internet, looking hard to take advantage of your desperate situation. We have all known that older folks have always been one of the biggest targets of scams and con artists, and the net is no exception. You will find all kinds of "get rich quick schemes." If you take the time to read all of those schemes, and trust me it will take a lot of time, you will be more confused than ever.

Let me tell you what I did in this situation. I looked into and subsequently formed a stay at home internet sales and marketing business. I have been selling all of my life. I really enjoy people and have been able to gain their trust with ease, so selling was truly the way to go. Then I had to decide what product or service that I would sell, and where would my customers or prospects come from? Remember I wanted to work from home so, that would preclude going out and hitting the road to find customers.

Then one day I came across an internet marketing company that has perfected the way, using the internet to attract potential prospects to me. They target the most likely customers by using some well placed advertising and many other methods that lead qualified potential prospects to me rather than me having to look for them, which is really time consuming. I know, I've been there. At that point it's up to me to do what I've been doing successfully for years, sell a quality product.

You will also need some training and coaching so you won't be spending a lot of time learning what others have already figured out. Good luck !