A Few Free Tips About Dust Mites Treatment

The number 1 causes for asthma in homes are the proteins created by Dust Mite feces. If you find you are allergic to dust, this is most likely the cause of that problem.

It's a very unfortunate thing to be allergic to Dust Mites but it doesn't have to be something you can't live with. There are many Dust Mites Treatment methods and ideas out there for you to use. Some of them are just some good elbow grease and cleaning. Other ways include purchasing products like sprays of dust covers to help you out. I will talk about some of the free ways you can do this.

Obviously, the best way to get started is some good ole-fashioned cleaning and vacuuming. Dusting off areas, cleaning upholstery, curtains, wiping down all dust covered surfaces and getting that vacuum in every nook and cranny that you can is a big step. Not to forget mopping any hardwood or tile floors. That is only the first step in an overall cleaning.

What you need to know about Dust Mites is that they love your bed. The highest concentration in a bedroom will be in your bed and pillows, it's just a fact. So you will want to wash those sheets, the pillow cases (and even the pillows if you can) weekly in hot water. While those are in the wash, get that vacuum back out and use it on the mattress as good as you can.

You also don't want to forget washing your curtains and walls once a month. On the walls I use an all purpose type cleaner. Dilute it in a bucket of warm/hot water, grab some gloves a sponge and give it a go! Not an easy task but this will greatly improve your bedroom environment.

A Simple Tip Summary:

Dust all hard surfaces.
Vacuum all carpets and Mop all hardwood/tile floors.
Washing all Sheets, Pillow Cases (and if possible) Pillows in HOT water weekly.
Vacuuming your mattress and box spring.
Washing Walls and Curtains once a month

These are not revolutionary ideas. It's all pretty basic stuff but something that should be done if you are worried about those pesky dust mites. To go a few steps further in protecting yourself try checking out my Indoor Air Purifier Site to find some useful allergy information on different /?Dust-Mites-Treatment-Methods&id=3991453" Dust Mites Treatment methods and some excellent products to help you.