Seniors Are Often Financially Ruined By Friends

It's a sad fact that most people who financially exploit the aged get away with it. They often find it so simple that they do it time and time again. Everytime the Exploiter becomes more and more bold. They act like they are entitled to this money and no one else merits it. There will be another victim.
Prosecuting these crimes is troublesome for the State attorney due to how it is done. In my career as a pro Geriatric Care Manager in South Florida I have noticed a definite step-by-step process, virtually a formula, that these Exploiters use to split elders from their savings. Instead they excuse the burglary or even cover it up.

When we think about someone that takes from the elderly, we conjure an image of the stranger lurking round the ATM machine or trick artist selling bogus products. Since Investment Broker, Bernard Madoff'made off' with his customer's millions, we have all become acquainted with the term'ponzi scheme'. When the situation finally explodes, the 5 STEPS are then seen as clear as day.

The Exploiter comes to the rescue - they become a carer or helpmate when the person suffers an emergency. The Exploiter will later remind the elder of the favors and lead them to feel indebted to them.

The elder is brainwashed to believe that the true family only wants their money.

Next they tell the elder they're like family to them.
The Exploiter gets authorization to use the elder's credit card, cash card or other money for a small purchase . The Exploiter may shop for the elder but purchase items for themselves as well . When the Exploiter's car wishes correct or gas, the elder is asked to pay for since that auto is utilized to buy or transport the elder.
A few years gone, I had a case where a solicitor modified the Will of a confused dying lady to give her home and assets to an aide whom she had only famous for two years. She had a notary perform the ceremony in their living room while her kids served as witnesses. This act mechanically disinherited the elderly man's entire family. The aged man was deemed amateurish by a court of law and allotted a guardian of his assets.
In South Florida, many seniors retire to this area to find themselves thousands of miles from their original family when they need them the most.
Act anyhow because it's the right thing to do.

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