Recovery Coaching for Seniors and Care givers

Senior Motivate 4 Success was formally introduced to the public after 2 years of working with a variety of seniors to clearly identify programs and procedures that could get results quickly. Our oldest client turned 88 on November 7th.  The problems plaguing this population are often times ignored even by the professionals.  Growing old is not a reason or an excuse for lowering standards of living.

Coach Chez Wise specializes in Recovery Coaching.  In recovery we help individuals to achieve a normal or improved life. A certified coach, and member of the International Coaching Federation, Chez Wise and the coaches of Motivate 4 Success utilizes a variety of motivational tools to assist clients learning new skills of behavior and emotional control.  The result is living each day, with purpose, passion and joy.  Most seniors have weak social skills, and honestly do not know how to make new friends. Social Isolation not only results in physical problems, but oftentimes opens the senior to being easy prey to financial abuse.

Caregivers are especially vulnerable to falling into behaviors that enable the Senior to continue in a downward spiral.  Emotional stretched, isolated, and physically exhausted, they are often caught in the day to day drama.  Coaching helps them to see how they are reacting rather than acting.  Helping the caregiver to learn new tools for change. Most caregivers find that as they maintain consistency, their senior changes.  Consistency is difficult if not impossible alone.  Coaching is a solution that really works with you, where you are.

Using the tools learned for effectively dealing with addictive behavior, Senior Motivate 4 Success has developed similar programs to work with seniors with different challenges facing them.  Many of the behaviors are actually the same, denial being one of the most prevalent.  You cannot create solution, and implement change, if there is no acceptance of a need for change.

Alzheimer’s, MCI and varying dementia’s are slow diseases that take a toll on the family and the senior as well.  Learning new skills to move through the fear that often accompanies any type of dementia, is difficult if not impossible alone.  Coaching becomes a source of support and challenge, where the individual is discovering the solutions themselves.

Seniors dealing with addiction is very prevalent, and is an underlying problem for many other issues. Falls, dementia, meanness, insomnia can be linked directly to alcoholism and addiction. Alcohol is a depressant. Depression is not only a prevalent disorder but is also a pervasive problem.  Depressed Older adults tend to use health services at high rates, engage in poorer health behaviors, and evidence what is known as "excess disability." I often hear that a senior has “earned” the right to drink.  No one who has ever seen the effects of alcoholism would ever consider it a right.

There is a solution to each and every life challenge.  Having a coach allows you to uncover, discover and discard old beliefs that have kept you from moving forward in your life.  Where ever you or your senior are, let us help you find that quality of life you want.  The action is up to you.