New Allergy Treatment Can Be Administered At Home

Allergies are an improper response or hypersensitivity to a substance that doesn't affect most people.

Everything in our world has an energetic signature or vibration that distinguishes it from all other substances. This variation makes a tomato a tomato and an orange an orange.

Using this signature, the immune system understands, defines and categorizes what's in it's presence and protect itself from substances that it thinks are harmful.

This is the frontline defense for the body. The immune system protects from toxins, bacteria, viruses and anything that might upset the delicate balance of the body.

With our complicated lives filled with stress, toxins and who knows what else, the immune system gets confused, something goes wrong, very wrong and causes allergies.

What causes this wrong (allergic) response?

When the body is stressed, doesn't get enough nutrition, is malnourished or has a toxic overload from the environment, there is a systematic breakdown in all the body's systems.

Our digestive system is affected, our nervous system is diminished and the immune system, the system that made the mistake in the first place, starts making more and more bad choices. The exact system that is supposed to protect us, does just the opposite and fails us.

How did allergies become so prevalent and what are the reasons for the change?

•    Could it be the 80,000 new chemicals created in this century alone?
•    Could it be a lifestyle with so much stress that the immune system breaks down?
•    Could it be toxins in the air and water that disrupt the normal functioning of our bodies?
•    Could it be the electro-magnetic fields (toxins) coming from cell phones, wi-fi, high-tension power lines, radio and TV signals, small appliances and all those wireless cameras on every major intersection, hair dryers and the list goes on.
•    And GMO's (genetically modified organisms) as a food source, but don't get me started on that one.

With this toxic soup that we live in, it's no wonder why we have more allergies today than ever before.  Our bodies just start to fail, become hypersensitive, react inappropriately to the world around us, have allergic reactions and basically the body just doesn't do what it's supposed to do. The immune system gets overloaded, all in the name of "Progress" and allergies to basic foods, the building blocks of health, are created.

And if these allergic responses are allowed to continue, more and more foods become suspect and energy that should be used to heal the body is diverted to attack these foods and weaken the body.

To solve this allergic response, all we have to do is to delete the old "wrong" programming and install new programming that tells the immune system that these foods are good. We need them. It's nourishment.

These foods that cause an allergic response are not the culprit even though the body treats them that way. It's just the immune systems improper response to them that we must eliminate. We must stop this downward spiral now to reverse this trend.

NAET addresses this imbalance. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET®, is a non-invasive, drug free, natural technique that eliminates allergies of all type and sensitivities using a blend of selective energy balancing and testing with treatment procedures from acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. Thousands of practitioners practice this successful method of treating allergies.
NAET not only relieves the symptoms, it strengthens the immune system to make better choices  and fosters a climate of health and wellbeing.

The Allergy Kit takes this one step further. Based on principles from NAET, Bodytalk and EFT, The Allergy Kit offers a way to treat your allergies at home. It's a natural, do-it-yourself, home treatment protocol that reprograms your immune system to react positively to these basic foods, rather than reacting negatively to them. By reprogramming the immune system, you will be able to eat "like a normal person again".

More children are affected by allergies than ever before. Not only does it affect their digestion, but because over 90% of the serotonin is produced in the gut, it has a very beneficial affect on mood, depression and wellbeing.

Dr. Ynge Ljung, the creater of The Allergy Kit is an acupuncture physician, certified NAET practitioner and certified BodyTalk practitioner. She has created The Allergy Kit to allow people with allergies to treat themselves at home. We know it works because we have been using these principles in our office for more than 10 years and have adapted what we do in the office to allow you to treat yourself and your whole family.