Keeping the Elderly Fit and Healthy - Fun Activities and GamesAfter many years of running around trying to manage a career, taking care of children and running a household, older people find it difficult to suddenly have very little to do. As the years pass these people feel that they have no worth anymore. This again can manifests as depression or other related illnesses. There are actually many things elderly people can do to keep their minds and bodies fit and healthy, while having fun. Challenging games will help to prevent or at least prolong age related illnesses such as dementia and depression. Some physical exercise will help to prevent weight gain. Elderly people easily gain weight when their lives slow down. Weight gain is dangerous and can expedite heart attacks, strokes and blood pressure problems. There are many fun activities elderly people can engage in to keep the mind and the body healthy. - People who have always enjoyed crafts or art will now have the time to take it seriously. Some community centers offer classes, sometimes for free or for a small fee to cover materials. This hobby can even result in an extra income for the elderly person if necessary. - Physical activities should be high up on the priority list. Again community centers or gyms might offer exercise classes focused on elderly people. These classes can vary from low-impact aerobic classes to yoga. Except that it is good to keep the body healthy, it is also a place to make friends and communicate with other people from the same age group. - Dancing is a wonderful activity that doesn’t only provide exercise but it is also a great socializing event. Older people can even join a dance studio if they are serious about dancing. Many studios have special classes for different age groups. Dance competitions are also categorized into age groups and there is no reason the elderly, who are still fit, can’t take part in this. - Trips venturing into nature for those who are still relatively strong and mobile are great for spending time with friends or family. The fresh air and nice scenery are bound to lift any spirits that might be a bit down. - Board games are fun ways to keep grandchildren busy and in the process, stimulate the mind. There is nothing as engaging as a game of chess with a child or grandchild that proves to be a good challenge. The older person and the younger one will be able to stimulate their minds and in the process, bond, which is great for any relationship. These are but a few possibilities to show that it is never necessary for an elderly person to feel lonely or worthless. |