Understanding Assisted Living

Assisted living is much different than a nursing home. A nursing home might be utilized in the event that serious medical attention is needed or if a person needs help with most daily life functions. Assisted living differs in that complete independence still remains yet help is more readily accessible.

Across the country from California assisted living to assisted living Minnesota, people are taking advantage of the benefits offered by living in an assisted living community. Some of the advantages that may be found in assisted living facilities, include: Private rooms with an emergency call system, meals, assistance available at all times, reminders to take medication, transportation and social activities and community involvement.

There are approximately 33,000 assisted living facilities operating in the U.S. today. As the baby boomers enter their retirement years, we may see these facilities being utilized more. It can be a good housing option for many because it is really a middle ground between independent living and entering a nursing home.

So, you’ve decided an assisted living community is right for you. How do you choose the right one? Ask a lot of questions. Online, you can find many comprehensive checklists that can help you determine if you are making the right choice based on your needs and your desires.

Keep these questions in mind: Is the community well designed? What are the units like? Are they private? Are emergency systems or safety features included? How does the staff treat you? What are their qualifications? What services do they offer?
What community programs are available? What social activities would you like to be involved in? Are all state and local licensing requirements met? Is government assistance available? What does it cost and is it affordable for what is offered?

It can be a hard transition upon moving to a new assisted living home. In order to better settle into the new environment there are a few things you can do to make it your new home. You want it to be comfortable and you want it to be you. Bring things from home, photos of yourself and your family. Decorate like your previous home, bring a little piece of the comfort with you.

If you are moving someone else into assisted living facilities it is very important to listen and maintain sensitivity to their needs. You have to understand that this is a major life adjustment and may be difficult to accept at first. Be sensitive, understanding and helpful. Ask for moral support and be prepared for a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Help your loved one to get involved so they can begin to feel part of the community.

Moving into assisted living facilities is a tremendous step. The benefits are numerous and can be tailored to your individual needs. To find out if the decision is right for you or a loved one you must do a lot of research, ask a lot of questions and you will find a place right for you.