Promiscuous Baby Boomers: The Secrets of a Lusty GenerationMuch of the freedom enjoyed by baby boomers when they launched their free love crusade of the rest of the World back in their wild days was enabled by their being free of the risk of diseases, such as AIDS, or so they thought. Our present young generation have no such ‘safety net’ and dare not indulge in promiscuity. Psychological articles note that the presence of the AIDS risk has effectively reduced the incidence of promiscuity in young people, although of course there will always be exceptions to the rule. Before baby boomers came along, the stigma of unwanted pregnancy dominated the moral code of young girls who simply were not prepared to take the risk of ‘getting into trouble’. Contraceptive sheaths were in use, however, condoms were an item exclusively bought by men in the fifties – few women would buy them – therefore contraception was largely left to the discretion of men. American women's rights campaigner Margaret Sanger, who coined the phrase ‘birth control’, raised $150,000 to fund the development of the first human contraceptive pill first invented by Carl Djerassi at a laboratory in Mexico in 1951 and with the advent of the pill, sexual freedom reigned supreme in the back seats of cars just about everywhere, until widespread AIDS put a stop to all the fun. The secrets of the lustiest generation the World has ever seen were in fact simply a matter of risk calculation. Women with no control over their own birth control were simply not prepared to put their trust in men when it came to contraception. Once these women had the insurance of self-contraception, their sexual interests expanded considerably. Far from having a lower sex drive than men, women are every bit as keen on sex as their male counterparts. Decades later, baby boomers continue to enjoy far greater sexual freedom than previous or subsequent generations. Why is this? Psychological articles suggest that this is merely the legacy of their own attitude to sex and their determination to make their own minds up about their sexual liberation and their right to enjoy a sex life on their own terms. The fifties and sixties saw a sexual revolution that blew inhibitions out of the water: the baby boomers generation are simply masters of their own fate and refuse to be coerced into a regimented code of sexual behavior. |