Alzheimer and Dementia - are They the Same ?

What is  the difference between dementia and Alzheimer's ? is  a common subject . The  doctors are some of the best at confusing us. Physicians look like to choose the expression "dementia," perhaps since Alzheimer's has turn into such a loaded word. "Dementia" somehow sounds less frightening to various people, and at this time even the professionals have started utilizing the expressions interchangeably.

They are not  exchangeable. Alzheimer's Disease and dementia are two very unlike diseases.

Dementia is  a symptom. Pain is a warning sign, and a lot of various injuries and wounds can set off pain. At the time you go to the medical doctor because you hurt, you will not be satisfied if the doctor diagnoses   only  "pain" and sends you home. You like to know what is causing the pain, and how to cure it.

"Dementia" just means the indicator of a decline of the brain skills resulting from an unspecified disease or disturbance of the brain.

Alzheimer's Disease is one of the diseases or disorders that causes dementia. Countless other illnesses or "syndromes" can in addition cause dementia. Parkinson's Disease can cause dementia. A stroke can set off dementia. Even drying out may cause dementia.

countless of the unspecified things that can set off dementia can be treated, even potentially curable.

If you have taken your elder father or mother to the medical doctor and got a  a opinion of "dementia" you have not received  an opinion at all. If you do not know what is the reason for the dementia you can not  start to deal with it's origin cause.

If your medical doctor has discovered "dementia" it is the period for additional judgment. You are maybe dealing either with a physician who is not happy with the truth, or one who does not know how (or does not wish to trouble) to differentiate among all the potential causes of dementia. Either way, a skilled geriatrician or a neurologist who is comfortable with seniors would be a good place to start.