As we walk through life, our mundane concerns gradually increase that we spend so much time worrying about our personal needs. We tend to forget to take care of our elders, who, are mostly in need of the privilege to enjoy what remains of this lifetime. There are many ways to provide them this and one of which is giving them the opportunity to experience retirement homes in California .

A retirement home is a multi-residence housing facility made up of apartment-style rooms or suite rooms for the elderly. Additional facilities are provided within the building for meals, gathering, recreation, and some form of health or hospice care. A place in a retirement home can be paid for on a rental basis, like an apartment, or can be bought in perpetuity on the same basis as a condominium. A retirement home differs from a nursing home primarily in the level of medical care given. Retirement villages and retirement communities, unlike retirement homes, offer separate and autonomous homes for residents which is offered in home care in California.

Retirement homes use two approaches in caring for the elderly. The first one is known as resident-oriented care wherein the nurses are designated to a particular patient group and have the capability of building a relationship with each patient. In this approach, patients are treated more as family rather than an ailing person. With resident-oriented care, nurses become more familiar with each patient and cater more to their specific needs, whether it is emotional or medical.

A caring approach always results in the assessment of three important guidelines. Firstly is structure, which focuses on the evaluation of the personnel of the institution giving care to the elderly patients. The second guideline is the quality of caring process applied. Lastly, we have the outcome which is usually determined through the patient’s health, well-being, satisfaction, and the like. Using this criteria, nurses regularly follow up on each patient’s condition to ensure lasting results of their efforts. For instance, nurses concentrating on senior care in California homes treat their patients with dignity and provide them with the kind of care they would normally give their family or relatives.

Not all homes for the aged, however, practice the resident-oriented care method. Some operate by use of task-oriented care wherein nurses attend to a large number of patients in a specific ward thus resulting in less or no formation of a relationship with each patient. According to studies, the task-oriented method of care produces less satisfied residents since they find themselves exposed to multiple nurses who can’t manage to share quality time with them. Residents become disoriented and unsure of whom to disclose information to and as a result decide not to share information at all. This normally leads to a patient’s extreme quietness and feeling of isolation. Elderly care in CA always sees to it that all the residents enjoy their stay in the retirement home and disallows the task-oriented approach.

Research has proven that residents who receive resident-oriented care experience a higher quality of life, while nurses are accountable for no fault in their reports for their action is in compliance with Primary Nursing. Although resident-oriented nursing does not lengthen life, nursing home residents are able to connect with someone, which allows them to dispel feelings of loneliness and discontent. There’s no doubt that with the resident-oriented care approach, residential care home California makes the old and weary favored in life to live harmoniously with a family not biologically theirs but always present to give them utmost care and love.