Finding Baby Boomer Population Percentage Information

If you are a baby boomer or doing research on the baby boomer population, you might be looking for some statistics to help you better understand some things. While the size of the baby boomer population might be concrete and a specific number, it can be difficult to interpret some things, like what the baby boomer generation is going to do to the health care system, if you do not have some baby boomer population percentages to look at. Here are some of the best places to find baby boomer population percentages.


The internet is a great place to find baby boomer population percentages. However, you have to be careful. Some baby boomer population percentages that you find on the internet might not be reputable. There are ways to verify whether or not the site you are looking at is a reputable and credible source. First, does it look reputable? If your gut says no, then chances are it is not. If you see a bunch of ads around the edges and imbedded in the information you are trying to read, it might not be a reputable source. Anything that ends in “dot edu” or “dot gov” or even “dot org” are usually reputable sources. While anyone can have a dot com website, not everyone can have their own website under the other names. When looking for baby boomer population percentages, you should look for information on reputable sites only. Do not worry though, you can usually find reputable and credible sources right through popular search engines like google or yahoo search.

Calling Around

Another way to find the baby boomer population percentages that you are looking for is to call around. This takes a lot longer than searching online, but you can find a lot of information that way. First, try calling places that have to do with what type of baby boomer population percentages you are looking for. For example, if you are doing a research report on how the baby boomer generation is going to affect the Social Security program, call the social security office and ask to talk to someone about the baby boomer population percentages relating to the social security program. If you are doing a research project on the health care and how the baby boomer generation is going to be affected by the health care, try calling a local hospital and see if they can find someone for you to talk to in order to get specific baby boomer population percentages.