3 Systems to Monitor to Help Prevent Senior Falling

Falling is no problem when we are young but it becomes a serious issue as we age.  There are three (3) systems that need to be functioning in order to reduce serious falls.  This article is to make you aware of them so you can monitor yourself and your loved ones to prevent serious injury.

Every day we hear about an elderly person falling and hurting themselves badly and sometimes the falls may cause critical injuries; most of these injuries could have been avoided.

Here are the systems that you need to be aware of and they need to be monitored.
1. The visual system – the eyes are extremely important for balance.
2. The vestibular system – this references the inner ear.  Any infection or damage could cause problems.
3. The general sensory system including motion, pressure, and position (proprioception) sensors in joints, muscles, and skin.

As long as all three (3) systems are functioning properly there are very few balance problems but if any one of the three malfunctions we might have a potential problem.  If two occur at once there is a definite danger.

I have had several friends and family members that have fallen in the bathtub or shower.  Recently, one of my favorite cousins fell in the bathtub and severally injured his back; it did not make sense because he is a fairly young man.  When I asked him about it; he said that he was in the process of applying shampoo to his hair and had closed his eyes.  Do you close your eyes when applying shampoo?  Be advised that this could be something to avoid.

People that have health issues like sugar diabetes may lose feelings in their legs or feet.  If you have any numbness in your feet or legs there is a potential problem.

When watching television; we sometimes sit in the same position for an extended period of time and when we stand we might experience numbness or loss of feelings in our feet.  Be aware of the potential danger.

If you or your loved ones suffer from occasional falls you need to question how your three (3) systems are working.  You need to address the issue as soon as possible by a visit to the doctor.

You need to make the home safe from stumbling obstacles.  There are also some simple exercises that you can do to minimize the problems with falling and did you know there is a way to fall that can minimize the potential injury?