What is the Best Product for Blackheads? 3 of the Best Product for Blackheads

Acne vulgaris is the medical term for blackheads. Blackheads are usually caused by sebum, an oil exuded from the body through the skin which blocks the pores and causes blackheads. In this article we will look at 3 of the best product for blackheads.

Before we continue - a word of warning . Trying to squeeze out blackheads and whiteheads,as most people do, can damage the skin causing scarring or a secondary infection. If you are going to do this first place a hot towel over the face to raise and soften the spot and then place tissue paper on the tips of your fingers to squeeze. After you have removed the blackhead apply Tee Tree oil - a natural anti-bacterial.

3 Of the Best Product for Blackheads:

1) Benzoyl Peroxide- Can reduce congestion of the pores through it's anti-bacterial properties. Excellent for treating mild outbreaks as well as helping to prevent future outbreaks.

2) Alpha Hydroxyl Acid- Unclogs the pores and removes blackheads. A derivative of sugar cane, fruit acids or milk acids. Also aids in the regeneration of skin cells and gives skin a healthy glow.

3) Salicylic Acid- Removes  excess oils on the skin and also removes dead skin cells. Very effective at getting rid of blackheads.

So,  which is thebest product for blackheads? The above are the most popular. Different treatments work to better or worse degrees for different individuals.

There is an amazing alternative to the above. The Instant Acne Remedy program is providing incredible results for people suffering from the embarassment of acne/ blackheads within two weeks.