Entertaining Easter Ideas for Assisted Living Facilities

There are a lot of different circumstances that must be taken into consideration when it comes to activities within nursing homes and <a title=Assisted living facilities at Great Places! rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href= >assisted living facilities</a>.Meaning, your activity must be able to appeal to almost every person within a nursing home- meaning, people with disabilities, age level and religious, ethical and political preferences. Here are six great ways to get everyone involved this Easter while making sure that most everyone in the assisted living facility is able to participate.

Spring Time Easter Tea Party
Nothing says Easter like a big Easter hat and white gloves. The other thing that a big white hat and gloves scream is a traditional English tea party, especially one in a spring garden, just in time for Easter. Since an English style spring time Easter party offers a brief escape for every age, mobility and even mental ability to enjoy it, it makes it a perfect activity for an assisted living facility. All you need are tablecloths, a couple tea pots, some tea sandwiches and small cookies and you are set.

Easter Basket Decorating
It’s likely that many residents living in your <a title=Assisted living facilities at Great Places! rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href= >assisted living facilities</a> grew up with Easter baskets. Offer an open class on Easter basket decorating for residents to either give away to their grandchildren, donate or keep for themselves. Ask if a local craft store would host a basket decorating class, charging only for supplies or ask if an art student wouldn’t mind donating their time to offer friendly help and suggestions.

Egg Decorating
The ultimate classic Easter activity that is open to everyone! Boil several dozen eggs, create a food grade dye from several Easter egg dying kits and make an announcement one week that there will be an Easter egg dying activity in the main activity area. Lay newspaper over several circular tables and invite everyone who wishes to color and dye eggs. The best part about this is making deviled eggs for lunch the next day!

“Easter Parade” Movie Night
This fun musical for Baby Boomers is an Irving Berlin classic. Seniors who appreciate old black and white romance will love this movie. Serve lemonade and popcorn and project it onto a big screen. Charge a nickel admission for some added nostalgia.

Spring Cleaning For Charity
Active seniors like to be kept busy. What better way to appreciate their skills than to help raise money for a local charity. Invite every active assisted living senior to help organize a local fundraising “yard sale.” Hang flyers in local neighborhoods suggesting community-wide “spring closet cleaning” and offering to collect items for a sale benefiting a local charity. Send church members or other volunteers with trucks to gather the goods and hold the sale in the assisted living parking lot. To offer a thank you to the local church volunteers, offer to place a card with Easter service times in each bag of goods you sell.

If you work in an assisted living facility, don’t let Easter or spring for that matter come whipping through without paying any attention to it. What ever your religion, make it a celebration!