Increased Mobility for Seniors

Limited mobility often comes with age. Having to deal with debilitating pain in their hip or knees due to arthritis or other conditions obviously makes it hard for seniors to move around the way they used to. Fortunately, nowadays there are so many devices that can help seniors increase their mobility –there are canes and walkers, scooters and wheelchairs, and, more recently, the Limited mobility often comes with age. Having to deal with debilitating pain in their hip or knees due to arthritis or other conditions obviously makes it hard for seniors to move around the way they used to. Fortunately, nowadays there are so many devices that can help seniors increase their mobility ? title" GlideCycle .


Canes and walkers provide a person with increased stability and support and are mostly used to prevent injuries due to fall. Using a cane or a walker also relieves the pressure on painful joints such as the knees or hips due to arthritis or other degenerative joint diseases.


Scooters and wheelchairs can be useful for people who are unable to walk, have limited upper body strength and are unable to use a walker.

Manual wheelchairs are much better than scooters for people who have strenght in their upper bodies because mobility scooters force your upper body into a harmful sedentary state. Unlike a manual wheelchair, the mobility scooter will eliminate considerable use of the shoulders, arms and even hands.

Certified personal trainers talk about how harmful a scoooter can be: ?cat=50" " Mobility Scooter Warning


The GlideCycle is a new revolutionary device that is giving mobility back to people who have bad knees, bad hip, or have even lost a leg. The great part about the GlideCycle is that it not only helps people get around easier, but also helps them recover after injury or surgery, helps strengthen their muscles and improves their overall fitness condition, so that they become more able to perform their daily tasks without having to use a mobility device. Watch the testimonial of Mary Margaret to see what the GlideCycle has done for her after only a couple of sessions: /?p=152" " GlideCycle Testimony