Overview of Disorders Caused by Reglan

Chronic acid reflux is a problem suffered by a large amount of people each year. While many people turn to diet and lifestyle changes to rid them of heartburn, others may be prescribed medication for the issue, such as Reglan. However, Reglan contains a substance called metoclopramide that has been linked to several different permanent disorders.

Although doctors and researchers are not yet completely sure about how metoclopramide causes tardive dyskinesia, tardive dystonia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and cervical dystonia, they believe it interferes with dopamine receptors when used in high doses or for prolonged amounts of time. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that works to regulate movement, so messing up this transfer of information could be the cause of involuntary movements of the body.

First, the main disease caused by metoclopramide is tardive dyskinesia. This is a problem characterized by involuntary muscle movements, especially in the lower face. With tardive dyskinesia, a person may uncontrollably whirl his or her tongue, or even stick it out repeatedly. Additionally, the jaw may make chewing movements. A person with this disorder may smack the lips and puff out the cheeks.

Tardive dyskinesia can develop into its more advanced form, tardive dystonia. This typically affects a person's posture since it is caused by involuntary muscle spasms in larger regions of the body.

Second, the use of metoclopramide can also result in neuroleptic malignant syndrome, or NMS. This is a disorder that results in fever, muscular rigidity, and a changed mental status that can even cause death. While it is often called by the use of neuroleptics, dopamine blockers like metoclopramide can also cause this problem. The death rate from NMS is estimated to be 5-12% because it can lead to respiratory failure, renal failure, and cardiovascular collapse, among others.

Lastly, cervical dystonia is another muscular disorder caused by Reglan. The cervical vertebrae are the vertebrae of the neck, which is how this disease gets its name. The muscles of the neck are affected, causing spasms in this area. This results in uncontrollable twisting of the neck, as well as head jerks, pain, and shaking.

Sadly, these disorders are permanent, and they can completely change the way a person lives his or her life. They can prevent a person from earning wages and interacting normally with other people. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers from a disease caused by metoclopramide use, you should speak to an attorney about your options.

For more information, contact a Reglan lawyer from Williams Kherkher today.