Higher Risk for Asthma in Kids Who Eat Hamburgers

We all already know that fast food is not good for our bodies. But do you know that fast-food consumption was associated with asthma? A new study found that kids who eat three or more burgers a week have a higher risk for developing asthma and wheezing than kids who eat fewer burgers.

Conversely, asthma risk was lower for children whose diets more closely adhered to the Mediterranean way of eating — with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fish.

Fast food is rich in industrially hydrogenated vegetable fats such as margarine and meat from ruminant animals which are dietary sources of trans-fatty acids," the researchers noted. There is some evidence that dietary intake of trans-fatty acids is associated with asthma and atopy [allergic sensitivity].

Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. Maintain a healthy weight, healthy a balanced diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and diet high in fish can help prevent asthma and improve symptoms if you have the asthma.

Study led by by Dr. Gabriele Nagel and colleagues at the Institute of Epidemiology at Ulm University in Germany collected data on about 50,000 children from 20 rich and poor countries. Parents were asked about their children's typical diet and whether they had asthma or not. In addition, almost 30,000 of the children were tested for allergies.

Some 30,000 of the children were tested for allergic reactions, to see if diet also influenced their chances of developing allergies. The kids' diets were not found to be associated with developing environmental allergies to grass and tree pollen, but were linked to their prevalence of asthma and wheeze.

The researchers propose that a diet high in meat diet did not directly influence the prevalence of asthma or wheeze. Burger consumption could indicate other lifestyle factors that cause asthma in developed nations, especially because the increased risk of asthma was not found in poor countries.

Eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and fish was associated with a lower chance of developing asthma and wheezing.

Certain fish are rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to counterbalance pro-allergic T helper (Th)2 activity. Fruits and vegetables are ood sources of antioxidant vitamins, which have been shown to be inversely related to asthma in adults.

Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. Maintain a healthy weight, healthy a balanced diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and diet high in fish can help prevent asthma and improve symptoms if you have the asthma.