Body Hair Removal For Men Choices

Body hair removal for men is beginning to become more and more popular. Gone are the days when having an otter's pelt on your chest was sexy. Today girls wish to have a sleek, smooth, muscley chest.

So the question is what is the best strategy of hair removal for men? Most men do not want to waste hours a day primping and preening in front of the mirror the way ladies do so doing stuff like shaving and waxing are probably not good selections particularly for men that are very hairy as these things need to be done often .

Lasers and Electrolysis
There are way more permanent solutions such as electrolysis and lasers, but these are both agonizing and expensive. Although they're effective. If this is the route that you would like to go expect to pay anywhere between $200-$1000 per treatment. Depending on how much hair you have this may need several treatments.

Body Creams
So this leaves hair removal body creams, which could be a good choice, just because they're inexpensive and work instantly. Also they are pain free and don't need to be done every day. The only real drawback is that they can be messy and a bit pungent. /?aid=963483" Get Hair Removal Cream

Thermicon Technology
The final solution is non permanent, but it's a long term one. This thermicon technology is new and removes unwanted hair for both men and women by utilizing a device that sends heat down to the follicle. This retards hair growth and will slow it down by as much as 65%. It could also be done at home, and you will not get any nicks or cut. If you consider that it is much cheaper than either electrolysis or lasers you'll see why you might want to consider it as an alternative method of body hair removal for men.