Fire Risk Assessment - what's all the fuss about??

If you shop around you can pay anything between £200 and £800 per fire risk assessment.

You’ll pay around £400 for a one man band who has little back up or assurance. At the other extreme you could pay up to £1000 premium just for a branded fire risk assessment.

Your business has to have a fire risk assessment by law; the punishment for not having one is severe BUT worse than that by not having one you are putting everyone in your business at risk. And if that isn’t enough it would very doubtful that your insurance would pay out in the event of a fire. The consequences of that are unthinkable. What ever you decide, don’t just do nothing!

The fire certificates that were once issued by the Fire Brigade are now redundant and have been replaced by new fire safety regulations as outlined in 'the regulatory reform order 2006'.

The regulations state that every business must have a documented fire risk assessment in place and it is to be completed by a competent person/company.  It is also stipulated by many insurance companies as a prerequisite to validating insurance policies.  If you do not have a fire risk assessment in place you need one! This will ensure that your company is compliant with current regulations and insured against asset loss.

These are simple documents and there is a real basic logic associated with producing these, dont pay huge sums of money for low risk buildings.