In the 1800’s, consumer protection rules were virtually non-existent. Caveat Emptor meaning “buyer beware,” was the only norm. Nowadays, with the market competition growing at an exponential rate, consumers are king. Many consumers have gotten lost in this transition of shifting power, and are not fully aware of their rights. For many, it’s time to become a more knowledgeable consumer and to take the necessary precautions.

The first step to solve any problem you face with product liability issues is to understand what’s wrong. To determine your problem a little more concretely, ask yourself some questions: “has the seller been unfair?” “Does the product make claims that are untrue?” “Has the product been harmful in any way?” There are several government agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), that can give you more information related to your issue. Running your query through Google’s search engine and checking results of other customers facing the same types of problems can also be quite helpful.

After you understand your situation and rights a little more thoroughly, make sure that you have any appropriate documents such as bill, warranties, guarantees, advertisements making the claim, etc. Approach the company with your dilemma and talk to their customer service. Most companies are happy to sort out the matter if acknowledged. Throughout the process of your contact with the company, make sure you document the communication. This can be a great help if the company does not comply and the matter needs further attention.

If all efforts of resolving your problem with the company have been fruitless then the next step is approaching a lawyer. Many people refrain from even inquiring with a lawyer, convincing themselves that they must be at fault a majority of the time. Contact a law firm in your area, as laws can be different depending on which state you reside in. Most reputed law firms offer a free first consultation. One prominent example is John David Hart of Hart Law – a Texas injury lawyer that offers this service. Consultations can give you a good idea regarding the type of case you will be facing. During the initial consultation, you will generally be advised if you should pursue your case further or not.

On a general note, even though caveat emptor is not the name of the game, it never hurts to research a company if you are making a heavy investment in its product. All the information is out there.  However, if you find yourself in a fix, fight for your rights. By taking your product liability suit public, you are helping society become a better place and saving other consumers from potential harm.