Will Writing Is The Only Way To Protect Your Family

Protect Your Children With A Will Today

For outsiders Will Writing is often thought of in the context of passing a trinket to a favourite grandchild but actually it is vital record for the truly meaningful aspects of someone’s life.

Wills contain the inward and far reaching thoughts of someone and can speak after death to clarify their true thoughts and beliefs.

Hollywood always allows for the last scene for someone to say goodbye and tell them they love them but regrettably life does not tend to play out this way.

Consider the case of the two little brothers, the dear fellows who were living in Kensington Gardens, London and ended up in a far away land without a Mummy or Daddy because the parent’s never made their intentions clear in their lifetime.

It was a cold blistery night and Mum and Dad were making the trip back from a night out. They were late as usual and conscious that the baby sitter would be imposing a fine unless they out their skates on. Turning a corner they had done hundreds of times before tragedy struck and they skidded off the road, down the embankment to their fate.

That night the boys were told by a knock and the door. They did not have any relatives nearby and the baby sitter, already inconvenienced in her mind due to the time, showed no compassion. So that evening, after arguably the most shocking news they are ever likely to encounter, the boys slept with strangers from Social Services. Needless to say they were constantly ‘tossing and turning’ and when they awoke the boys they realised the nightmare had just begun.

Their deceased Mum and Dad both had sisters but they lived in outside London. Neither sister had ever had children, and although reluctant saw it as their obligation to step into the shoes of their siblings. It was clear from the outside that both sisters did not seeeye to eyeand a long legal battle would ensue. And, irrespective of the outcome in the courts, the boys who had lost their Mum and Dad were also set to loose their schools and friends.

It was clear that this story would leave all parties with an unhappy ending.

However things could have been quiet different if Mum and Dad could have spent a couple of hours with Niche Wills just down the road from them in London.

Niche Wills realise that Will Writing is about all your personal wishes and not just the financial aspects of life. As Will Writers they typically spend the majority of the friendly discussion finding out about your dependents and determining their Guardianship should the very worse happen. This is sometimes soul searching and as a typical reaction would be for both parents to believe their family would be the rightful Guardians, and in fact, many Husband’s and Wife’s would subconsciously choose to avoid ever having the conversation if it was not for Will Writers such as Niche Wills.

Equally important Niche Wills will check that the children have been consulted and give practical advice on choosing appropriate Guardians. The decision will then be placed on record in a Will for reference for the Estate and courts.

Niche Wills - Top Tips When Choosing A Guardian

  1. Consider the child’s natural mother or father if they currently do not live with them.
    1. Consider the children’s wishes i.e. do they get along?
    2. Think about their geographic location i.e. what will cause the least disruption for the children. For example, will they have to leave their school?
    3. Have the guardians had experience of raising children?
    4. Financial implications, will you need to provide for the children’s welfare?
    5. Do the guardians live together? If not, are they in close proximity to share the responsibility effectively.
    6. Discuss the responsibility with the Guardians to ensure they want to be involved and are committed.

Contact " target="_self" Niche Wills today and they will start the Will Drafting process to ensure your children are cared for as you intended. Niche Wills on T: 020-7993 2044 or via the web .