Cataract Surgery Expert WitnessA cataract surgery expert witness can be a valuable asset when evaluating legal issues regarding cataracts, lens implants, and unexpected outcomes. Cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the United States. Every year there are over 2 million patients who benefit from cataract surgery. Fortunately, the vast majority of patients enjoy visual improvement with successful cataract surgery. Complications, although infrequent, may consist of minor healing-related issues that resolve in a short time, or significant vision threatening problems that need to be recognized and treated. A qualified cataract surgery expert witness can help understand pertinent issues regarding the surgical process. It is often helpful for an expert witness to explain the anatomy of the eye and the surgical process in clear terms so that lay participants can clearly understand the surgical process. Typically, a ?page_id=272&page_ancestor_id=109" cataract surgery expert witness reviews records, depositions, and other pertinent documents before rendering opinions that are based on his education, training, and experience. Many ophthalmologists have appreciable experience in cataract and lens implant surgery. A medical records review often reveals pertinent details that are valuable for assessing the merits of the case. Any new discovery may influence the direction of a medical-legal case. The parties in litigation often need reports by expert witnesses. An ?page_id=133" Independent Medical Examination , otherwise known as an IME, generates a report that provides a history and physical examination. A history reviews the timeline of events leading to an alleged infraction or a purported injury. A physical examination of the claimant's eyes performed by a cataract surgery expert and can involve many types of measurements. The scope of reports from a cataract surgery expert witness usually involves a review pertinent ocular findings and opinions by the examiner. Reports by the expert witness are legal documents that may be produced at deposition or at trial. A cataract surgery expert witness can be a valuable resource. From the start of litigation, expert review can provide assistance in assessing the medical-legal ramifications of a case. |