Why Do I Always Feel Sick? - Always Feel Sick, Here's Why!

Why Do I Always Feel Sick? - Always Feel Sick, here's why!

Have you been suffering from years now from symptoms and wonder why do I always feel sick ? Does it seem like there is no end in sight and just wish there was some way to treat or eliminate them for good? I have some good news, today I will discuss on how to get allergy relief naturally and fast that can actually permanently eliminate many and sometimes all of your allergies.

How to Naturally Cure Allergies

Were you aware that there is a single factor involved in the majority of allergies that people experience. It's known as Candida and it is a fungus that exists in most of the population, however not all of the population suffers from its negative effects. Now before you click away because you think this is too far fetched read on to discover the disturbing truth. In a study of asthmatic patients over 85% tested positive for severe Candida overgrowths in their bodies. This essentially proved a direct connection existed.

In addition to this allergies are created in the body through two factors created as a result of Candida. These are:

Leaky Gut Syndrome:This is where the fungus actually burrows holes into your intestinal tract and as a result proteins from the foods you eat every day are leaked into your blood stream and as a result this triggers your immune system to over-react to these foods and foods you eat in the future of the same type.

Acetaldehyde:This is the alcohol by product created by a Candida overgrowth in the body. It suppresses the immune system, it actually causes auto-immune dysfunction as well creating exaggerated environmental allergies to chemicals, smoke and other airborne particles such as dust.

There is far more to Candida than this, and I understand this is a lot of information to take in for someone who has never heard of it before, although make no mistake anyone who suffers from some form of allergies has a somewhat dysfunctional immune system and this is all it takes to have Candida overdevelop in your body.Ironically its like a catch 22 in that Candida causes allergies and allergies cause Candida.However when you take Candida out of the equation your health improves dramatically. The immune system is actually able to re-calibrate and balance and as a result any remaining allergies that didn't go away with the Candida are also improved or eliminated.