Allergies Q&a

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Allergic to Cats, What Do I Do?
I used to not be allergic to cats and now I am. lot of ppl say its b/c of their dandruff. How do i get rid of the dandruff? - You're probably thinking of the dander, but it's not only just limited to the hair. Their saliva, skin, and other fluids can...

Allergic to cats? What should I do?
I was extremely allergic to cat dander until I adopted two kittens (who are both 9-months-old now). Now that I have these two cats, my allergies don't exploit up as much. I started volunteering at the local Humane Society in my town on Monday. I picked up this job because I love animals and...

Allergic to cheap metal but I still want to pierce my trunk!?! ='[?
I might be allergic to cheap metal, so I was thinking is there an alternative stud that ppl can wear (for ur nose)? I have be trying all kinds of earrings but they still make my ears hurt. Plz oblige! - use titanium - depending on...

Allergic to chocolate ? Am i ?
whenever i eat anything involving chocolate ( ice cream , chocolate itself , cake , ANYTHING ) i start like , choking approaching coughing and i can barely breathe . then i start getting really itchy and i break out all over my facade and get a real big stomach ache .. i really...

Please help. i am really anoyed. i am allergic to all types of chocolate but i love the stuff. every time i eat it i come up surrounded by red bloches, they dont hert but my docter told me not to eat anymore. t an actual allergy to cocoa itself? Or something in it? There are loads of...

Allergic to cold weather or cold hose?
Today, I was outside in the rain for ten to twenty minutes. It be raining pretty heavily. When I went inside, I notice that both of my arms were covered within hives and they were itchy. I looked it up and found an article about a women who breaks out when she swims in...

Allergic to concentrated apple liquid?
When I was younger I could drink concentrated apple juice and nothing would come about now I drink it I sound like I've lost my voice, my facade is swollen, the back of my throat hurts and I'm really tired but this only happens when I drink anything that have concentrated apple juice - It's...

Allergic to contact lenses?
Ok, so everytime I wear contacts, (the right way, clean fingers) my eyes would feel anguish and get red and then blur (especially on my left eye). Once I appropriate it off, my eyes would still feel the pain for perchance a few days without the contacts on. Ami allergic? If so, does this mean I can't...

Allergic to Dust Mites...?
I've been to the doctor so many times about this and adjectives he keeps doing is sending me off with a spray for my muzzle and eye drops for my eyes... its really not good enough. ve Asthma too, and sometimes it get really bad. I know im allergic to dust mites because ive had a...

Allergic to dust or pets?
i am not allergic to all pets but some pets i am allergic to. is within any other way of taking something like sniffing something or anything else to stop me being allergic. - yes there is nasl spray for that kind of stuff - probably it is both...go to a doc. - Probably...

Allergic to fluoride, What toothpaste Can I use?
A relative of mine is Allergic to Fluoride Toothpaste, Is there an organic Toothpaste with no fluoride to be exact still effective? And where can you find them? - Fluoride is a highly reactive component that is a toxic waste product of fertilizer plants, aluminum plants, and uranium enrichment. It is a...

Allergic to food?
how can avoiding food to which you are allergic be difficult?? - Actually oodles people have allergies. Its not un common. , it's not possible unless you try 1 of 3 option 1- see your familial sensitivity toward any kind of food 2- try eating anyway ... allergic food is not so common...

Allergic to fruit!?
why are my kids(15&17) allergic to all fruits? their mouths get itchy and lips & in attendance anything we can do to stop it so they can eat fruit? - I have the same exact problem ink that I have Oral Allergy Syndrome, however I haven't asked my doctor but it sounds about right because of my...

Allergic to fruits and vegetables?
I'm 14 years old, and ever since I was little, I've been allergic to fruits and vegetables. Why is that? l in a minute, I've never questioned why my mouth would start itching, or why everything would get swollen when I eat a reliable fruit or vegetable. I just accepted it as the way I am.

Allergic to fruits?
So when I eat apples my throat, tongue, and ears get itchy. Nothing happens when I get through apple pie, apple sauce, or drink apple juice. Same with other fruits like peaches, pears, plumbs, cherries, and other fruits. They kind my throat, tongue, and ears itch. I would love to eat fruit if this didnt happen. My mom...

Allergic to Gin and Tonic? Help please!?
The other day I learned how to mix gin and tonic, and I loved it. So is it common for gin to do this? Could it be something else? I really enjoy gin, therefore Id really like to seize to the root of this problem. - Those do not nouns like symptoms of...

Allergic to Gluten-Free Food?
I've noticed that every time I eat a "gluten free" cookie from the school cafeteria, I own a rather painful stomach ache for several hours afterward. I be just wondering if there was some specific product to be precise common in gluten-free products which could possibly be leading to stomach dull pain. Any ideas? - Read...

Allergic to Green Tea?
It seems anytime i drink green tea or even mix it with another tea or flavor, i get unsettled and then i normally throw up. Anyone ever had this problem or know why this could be? Thanks deeply. - I think you answered your own question. You're looking for confirmation that it is possible to be...

Allergic to Jellyfish?
I have an intense allergic reaction to poison ivy, spreads like crazy, intense itching. I get stung by a red jellyfish yesterday, badly. Now, where I was stung it really really itches and looks similar to poison ivy. Is this a typical reaction? Or could I be allergic? - It's not an allergy. It's the typical...

Allergic to latex - condoms?
Can someone tell me if intense burning is a side effect from a latex allergy? My bf and i used a latex condom and yeah... I'm allergic to latex but condoms never bothered me till now. I feel approaching I've been cut with razor blades down in that. Is it from the condom? - Yeah,...

Allergic to latex-free bandage! What can I use?
I used to think I was sensitive to the latex in bandage, but I even get a rash from the latex-free kind! Maybe it's the glue, but I get a worse wound in the exact pattern where on earth the bandage was stuck! Thanks! - Look for hypo-allergenic bandages. These are for...

Allergic to mangos...?
yes my mom is, it only started later as an full-size though and the reaction seems to get worse everytime she does own something with mango in it. - You can be allergic to anything. - Yeah. you can be allergic to anything.that sucks..mangos are goood. - i myself are allergic to mangoes. around my mouth goes really...

Allergic to Marijuna?
Hey guys... my doctor says im allergic to "all trees, grasses, and weeds." Which doesnt trade name much sense to me because I can rub plants on my skin and nothing happens. However I get really stuffy sometimes outside. I deliberate its due to pollen. And my doctor prickedme with a plant extract andmy skin got hives... I...

Allergic to metal- somebody serve me, please!?
lately i've noticed that the metal in my jeans seems to produce a red itchy rash on my stomach, the metal back of my watch turns my skin a silvery color and its also red and itchy, and for a long time presently i can't wear earrings because my ears will itch and fill...

Allergic to metals but love piercings. what do u suggest?
Plastic, is what I suggest. tried them all too. Even plastic, titanium, and platinum. I swell up. I have to remove them all. Ears, nose, and tongue. *sigh* I will keep you contained by mind though if I ever figure something out! Source(s): my body - I know...

Allergic to mosquito bites?
So yesterday i got bit by a mosquito. I woke up today and my arm is really swollen in that area and it hurts. It more hurts consequently itches. But whenever i do get bit the bites are usually big. I think this is the first time it's swelled up this big tho. Can you be allergic?...

Allergic to most cosmetics?
Clinique is what I use and my friends use. It help 100%. P.S. They have really nice things. - Most of ALL commercial products that are sold today are FULL of chemicals that are TOXIC to the skin. The safest skin care is; to wipe up with olive oil, and wear a HAT while in the sun,...

Allergic to most metals.. How to peirce ears?
I'm allergic to most metals and i want to gage my ears. How can i do this? I break out from belt buckles where the buckle touches my skin. Just red and itchy. When it touches my skin for awhile it starts to break out. Once the gages get a little bigger i...