What is the secret of happy marriage?

To find a soulmate, to marry, to have children - all these are important events in our lives. But this is not the hardest. As to buy something - does not mean to keep it! In fact, to salve a marriage is much more difficult than just to marry!

In family relationships we always face with problems, even storms and hurricanes. But the faults of divorces actually are not any circumstances, not external factors or tricks of fortune. The most dangerous cause of the marriage destruction is the human desire to satisfy his ego at any price. Only this is important!

Offence, desire for revenge, anger, rage, hatred - these are the real killers of marriage! People are impatient, they quickly decided to divorce. They are self-indulgent and don't think about divorce consequences. They were tempted by the freedom and independence. They believe that divorce will bring them happiness! But is it?

If you want to create a happy marriage and live with a loved one a long life, the first thing you should do - is to change your thinking. To tie the knot - means to bind yourself to care about the welfare of your husband/wife, just as you take care of yourself. The notion "My" should become "Our", "I" give way "We". The happiness in marriage doesn't base on wealth - it comes from our heart and mind.

The family always has to sacrifice something. To sacrifice freedom, life goals, study, work, money, and many others. To sacrifice not only for the sake of husband, but also for the birth of children. You could lose your job and grand career. But at the end of your life way you will not be thrown into the backyard of life, you will have them - children. It is for them we live, it is they - the purpose of our existence in this world.

If a husband and wife help each other to achieve goals, show honesty and respect, then their family will become stronger with every day. Anger will give way to love and understanding. The art to forgive, to forget wrongs, to believe in love - this is the best weapon against divorce.

"Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies and wives should respect their husbands and obey them" – this comes from Bible. And even if you are not so spiritual, sticking to this truth, you will achieve happiness in marriage.