Love and Courtship - Guys, God Will Not Lead in MarriageImagine a marriage without the divine consent from God, it is like a man that rushes into a house he had set on fire and locked up the doors against himself. What do you think will happen next? Disaster of course! So is the life of any man that marries without having been led by the spirit of God. 1. Mr. 'Anonymous': These guys can never receive any instruction from God pertaining to their marital life because they are neither known in church nor in heaven. They may be regular in church but they are not born again. They only come to church at will. Their way of life is not pleasing to God. 2. Mr. 'Ignorance': This second set of guys wants to marry the best lady around but they lack the knowledge required. They lack information because they will not read books on marriage, neither will they attend marriage, seminar. Yet they want the best, not knowing that ignorance kills like an atomic bomb. 3. Mr. 'One way': Such guys cannot be led to the right partners because of their rigid nature. He is not open minded, not amenable and will never go for counsel. Unless you are flexible, you cannot get the will of God in marriage because God loves a teachable soul. 4. Mr. 'Worldly': As a guy, if you are still in friendly with the worldly things, God is not interested in your marriage. Disengage from worldly friends today and welcome Jesus, the only truthful and wonderful friend that can give you a fantastic marriage. 5. Mr. 'Prayer On Strike': It is so sad that 70% of the guys that want to get married in the will of God cannot spend quality time praying. If you are not a praying christian, the devil will take the driver seat of your marital life because you can only disarm the devil with prayer. |