Seduce a Man and Make Him Beg for More

It's not usual for a woman to have feelings for a man. Take for example, you sight this man in a bus station, and simply cannot get your eyes off him. Most women in this situation become annoyed with themselves and try to suppress their feelings as much as they can.

They're reacting this way does them no good. Though its common place for men to ask women out, there's currently no book of conduct that says women having feelings for men can't seduce them such that his interest in them arouses.

Seducing a man can be as easy as it can be hard without knowing what to do. You need to know the right things to do at the right time. Failure to do such might leave you feeling like a flirt but seduce a man the right way and feel like a champion as he chases you.

The aim of seducing a man should not to ask him out. The aim is to arouse his interest in you while making him feel that he was the one who liked you first. Men love winning women over and if you seduce a man right, you'll still get the chance to play hard to get with him.

As I list these steps, it's not necessary for you to follow through on all of them. In most cases, you only have to execute the first and second steps to get the male to notice and approach you. If carrying out these initial steps does not bring about results, you can move to the more drastic approach step.

First Step: Dress to Kill

With this first step, you need to be very careful so as not to go overboard. Capitalize on the cloth wear that brings out the best in you. Clothes that amplify your body curves are preferred. You should put on a seductive perfume and wear your make-up light.

Second Step: Initiate Eye Contact

Initiate eye contact in such a way it looks completely naturally and always remember to be the one to disconnect from such eye contact. You might want to smile while he's eyeing you but this is a personal preference. Just make sure your face is not showing a frown.

Third Step: The Approach

With this step, you need to be very careful. Before making the approach, you should think about something that can begin a conversation between you both. Asking for directions is an effective example of a conversation starter.

Your approach should seem completely natural and remember to smile all the way. When you get to him, speak softly, and conduct body gestures that promote your gender and personal beauty. In doing this, you can flaunt your hair occasionally or bite your lips.

By now, he should have picked up on your little question and should be diverting from it at any moment. Remember to make him feel comfortable while conversing with you.

This is where you pass on the mantle to the man in charge. Let him take control of the situation.

He does not know you already like him and you have the opportunity to make him be the one chasing you.

In seducing a man the right way, shyness should be last on your mind. Keep your head up and seduce that man you like because for all we care he might end up as your lifetime partner.