8 Unhappy Marriage Signs: How to Know When Your Marriage is on the Rocks?

Most love marriages start off with great feelings of happiness just like a fairy tale romance, but soon degenerate into something cold and boring, a kind of habit that both partners fall into and soon the marriage starts showing those inevitable unhappy marriage signs that all married couples dread. So what are these signs and how can you notice them and stop them from repairing your marriage until it's too late?

Sign # 1

Both spouses have taken recourse to vulgar cursing and calling each other names and hurling the choicest of expletives and abuses at each other. Well, this might make you feel at peace with yourself for you have given vent to your anger, but has it helped your marriage in any way? It only leads to damaging behavior of further varieties such as depression, low self esteem, unhappiness, anger etc.

Sign # 2

Another unhappy marriage sign is when dinner times, which are supposed to be family get together times, become relegated to catching supper before the television or grabbing a bite on the run. In this way, it becomes impossible to stay connected to each other.

Sign # 3

Both husband and wife are attending the same social event, but are arriving and leaving separately and independently. Well, this will sure provide fodder to the gossip mills and make the grape vines buzz overtime.

Sign # 4

Other unhappy marriage signs that can spell doom are when either partners or one spouse feels that his/her responsibilities or work is more important than that of the partner's. What you don't realize is that it will leave your husband/wife feeling uncared for and unappreciated.

Sign # 5

When you stop listening to your mate, it signifies that something is wrong in your marriage. What you don't realize is that by keeping yourself busy with yourself and with your job or activity, you are neglecting your partner, hurting his/her feelings and emotions and giving rise to depression, frustration and coldness. Your spouse will start to suffer from a deep lack in his/her life.

Sign # 6

A loveless marriage that has no fire in it is another sign that your marriage is not healty. In such dead marriages, the sexual spark fizzles out prematurely; the couple no longer feels the desire to get intimate between the sheets and drifts apart from each other.

Sign # 7

Whereas once you used to kiss with a lot of passion and intensity and fire, nowadays you just give each other quick pecks on the cheek. This is surely a sign of a dissipating passion.

Sign # 8

When the lines of communication break down and the events and incidents of the day are not shared it forebodes something bad. The emotional intimacy will degenerate into coldness.

Some more unhappy marriage signs that are seen frequently are an unusual silence between the two partners when they have stopped sharing their thoughts and feelings with each other and stopped getting touchy feely or passionate or flushed with desire.